Wednesday, July 31, 2019
SamplingSamplingis that portion ofstatisticalpractice concerned with the choice of an indifferent orrandomsubset of single observations within a population of persons intended to give some cognition about thepopulationof concern, particularly for the intents of doing anticipations based onstatistical illation. Sampling is an of import facet ofdata collection.AL The three chief advantages of trying are that the cost is lower, informations aggregation is faster, and since the information set is smaller it is possible to guarantee homogeneousness and to better the truth and quality of the informations. Eachobservationmeasures one or more belongingss ( such as weight, location, colour ) of discernible organic structures distinguished as independent objects or persons. Insurvey sampling, study weights can be applied to the informations to set for thesample design. Results fromprobability theoryandstatistical theoryare employed to steer pattern.ProcedureThe sampling procedure comprises several phases: * Specifying the population of concern * Stipulating asampling frame, asetof points or events possible to mensurate * Stipulating asampling methodfor choosing points or events from the frame * Determining the sample size * Implementing the sampling program * Sampling and informations roll uping * Reviewing the sampling procedurePopulation definitionSuccessful statistical pattern is based on focussed job definition. In trying, this includes specifying thepopulationfrom which our sample is drawn. A population can be defined as including all people or points with the characteristic one want to understand. Because there is really seldom adequate clip or money to garner information from everyone or everything in a population, the end becomes happening a representative sample ( or subset ) of that population. Although the population of involvement frequently consists of physical objects, sometimes we need to try over clip, infinite, or some combination of these dimensions. For case, an probe of supermarket staffing could analyze check-out procedure line length at assorted times, or a survey on endangered penguins might take to understand their use of assorted runing evidences over clip. For the clip dimension, the focal point may be on periods or distinct occasions.Sampling frameIn the most straightforward instance, such as the sentencing of a batch of stuff from production ( credence sampling by tonss ) , it is possible to place and mensurate every individual point in the population and to include any one of them in our sample. However, in the more general instance this is non possible. There is no manner to place all rats in the set of all rats. Not all frames explicitly list population elements. For illustration, a street map can be used as a frame for a door-to-door study ; although i t does n't demo single houses, we can choose streets from the map and so see all houses on those streets. The sampling frame must be representative of the population and this is a inquiry outside the range of statistical theory demanding the judgement of experts in the peculiar capable affair being studied. All the above frames omit some people who will vote at the following election and incorporate some people who will non ; some frames will incorporate multiple records for the same individual. Peoples non in the frame have no chance of being sampled. Statistical theory Tells us about the uncertainnesss in generalizing from a sample to the frame. In generalizing from frame to population, its function is motivational and implicative. A frame may besides supply extra ‘auxiliary information ‘ about its elements ; when this information is related to variables or groups of involvement, it may be used to better study design.Probability and non chance tryingAprobability samplingscheme is one in which every unit in the population has a opportunity ( greater than zero ) of being selected in the sample, and this chance can be accurately determined. The combination of these traits makes it possible to bring forth indifferent estimations of population sums, by burdening sampled units harmonizing to their chance of choice. Probability trying includes: Simple Random Sampling, Systematic Sampling, and Stratified Sampling, Probability Proportional to Size Sampling, and Cluster or Multistage Sampling. These assorted ways of chance trying have two things in common: 1. Every component has a known nonzero chance of being sampled and 2. Involves random choice at some point. Nonprobability samplingis any sampling method where some elements of the population havenochance of choice, or where the chance of choice ca n't be accurately determined. It involves the choice of elements based on premises sing the population of involvement, which forms the standard for choice. Hence, because the choice of elements is nonrandom, nonprobability sampling does non let the appraisal of trying mistakes. These conditions place bounds on how much information a sample can supply about the population. Information about the relationship between sample and population is limited, doing it hard to generalize from the sample to the population. Nonprobability Sampling includes: Accidental Sampling, Quota SamplingandPurposive Sampling. In add-on, nonresponse effects may turnanyprobability design into a nonprobability design if the features of nonresponse are non good understood, since nonresponse efficaciously modifies each component ‘s chance of being sampled.Sampling methodsWithin any of the types of frame identified above, a assortment of trying methods can be employed, separately or in combination. Factors normally act uponing the pick between these designs include: * Nature and quality of the frame * Availability of subsidiary information about units on the frame * Accuracy demands, and the demand to mensurate truth * Whether detailed analysis of the sample is expected * Cost/operational concernsSimple random tryingIn asimple random sample ( ‘SRS ‘ ) of a given size, all such subsets of the frame are given an equal chance. Each component of the frame therefore has an equal chance of choice: the frame is non subdivided or partitioned. Furthermore, any givenpairof elements has the same opportunity of choice as any other such brace ( and likewise for three-base hits, and so on ) . This minimises prejudice and simplifies analysis of consequences. In peculiar, the discrepancy between single consequences within the sample is a good index of discrepancy in the overall population, which makes it comparatively easy to gauge the truth of consequences. However, SRS can be vulnerable to trying mistake because the entropy of the choice may ensue in a sample that does n't reflect the make-up of the population. For case, a simple random sample of 10 people from a given state willon averageproduce five work forces and five adult females, but any given test is likely to overrepresent one sex and underrepresent the other. SRS may besides be cumbrous and boring when trying from an remarkably big mark population. In some instances, research workers are interested in research inquiries specific to subgroups of the population. For illustration, research workers might be interested in analyzing whether cognitive ability as a forecaster of occupation public presentation is every bit applicable across racial groups. SRS can non suit the demands of research workers in this state of affairs because it does non supply subsamples of the population.Systematic samplingSystematic samplingrelies on set uping the mark population harmonizing to some telling strategy and so choosing elements at regular intervals through that ordered list. Systematic trying involves a random start and so returns with the choice of everykth component from so onwards. In this instance, k= ( population size/sample size ) . It is of import that the starting point is non automatically the first in the list, but is alternatively indiscriminat ely chosen from within the first to thekth component in the list. Equally long as the get downing point israndomized, systematic sampling is a type ofprobability sampling. It is easy to implement and thestratificationinduced can do it efficient, ifthe variable by which the list is ordered is correlated with the variable of involvement. However, systematic sampling is particularly vulnerable to cyclicities in the list. If cyclicity is present and the period is a multiple or factor of the interval used, the sample is particularly likely to beunrepresentative of the overall population, doing the strategy less accurate than simple random sampling. Another drawback of systematic sampling is that even in scenarios where it is more accurate than SRS, its theoretical belongingss make it hard toquantifythat truth. Systematic sampling is an EPS method, because all elements have the same chance of choice.Stratified samplingWhere the population embraces a figure of distinguishable classs, the frame can be organized by these classs into separate â€Å" strata. †Each stratum is so sampled as an independent sub-population, out of which single elements can be indiscriminately selected. There are several possible benefits to stratified sampling. First, spliting the population into distinguishable, independent strata can enable research workers to pull illations about specific subgroups that may be lost in a more generalised random sample. Second, using a graded sampling method can take to more efficient statistical estimations ( provided that strata are selected based upon relevancy to the standard in inquiry, alternatively of handiness of the samples ) . Even if a graded sampling attack does non take to increased statistical efficiency, such a maneuver will non ensue in less efficiency than would simple random sampling, provided that each stratum is relative to the group ‘s size in the population. Third, it is sometimes the instance that informations are more readily available for single, preexistent strata within a population than for the overall population ; in such instances, utilizing a graded sampling attack may be more convenient than aggregating informations across groups ( though this may potentially be at odds with the antecedently noted importance of using criterion-relevant strata ) . Finally, since each stratum is treated as an independent population, different trying attacks can be applied to different strata, potentially enabling research workers to utilize the attack best suited ( or most cost-efficient ) for each identified subgroup within the population. A graded sampling attack is most effectual when three conditions are met 1. Variability within strata are minimized 2. Variability between strata are maximized 3. The variables upon which the population is stratified are strongly correlated with the coveted dependant variable.Advantages over other trying methods1. Focuss on of import subpopulations and ignores irrelevant 1s. 2. Allows usage of different trying techniques for different subpopulations. 3. Improves the accuracy/efficiency of appraisal. 4. Licenses greater reconciliation of statistical power of trials of differences between strata by trying equal Numberss from strata changing widely in size.Disadvantages1. Requires choice of relevant stratification variables which can be hard. 2. Is non utile when there are no homogenous subgroups. 3. Can be expensive to implement.Probability proportional to size samplingIn some instances the sample interior decorator has entree to an â€Å" subsidiary variable †or â€Å" size step †, believed to be correlated to the variable of involvement, for each component in the population. This information can be used to better truth in sample design. One option is to utilize the subsidiary variable as a footing for stratification, as discussed above. Another option is probability-proportional-to-size ( ‘PPS ‘ ) sampling, in which the choice chance for each component is set to be relative to its size step, up to a upper limit of 1. In a simple PPS design, these choice chances can so be used as the footing forPoisson trying. However, this has the drawbacks of variable sample size, and different parts of the population may still be over- or under-represented due to opportunity fluctuation in choices. To turn to this job, PPS may be combined with a systematic attack. The PPS attack can better truth for a given sample size by concentrating sample on big elements that have the greatest impact on population estimations. PPS sampling is normally used for studies of concerns, where component size varies greatly and subsidiary information is frequently available – for case, a study trying to mensurate the figure of guest-nights spent in hotels might utilize each hotel ‘s figure of suites as an subsidiary variable. In some instances, an older measuring of the variable of involvement can be used as an subsidiary variable when trying to bring forth more current estimations.Bunch tryingSometimes it is cheaper to ‘cluster ‘ the sample in some manner e.g. by choosing respondents from certain countries merely, or certain time-periods merely. ( About all samples are in some sense ‘clustered ‘ in clip – although this is seldom taken into history in the analysis. ) Cluster samplingis an illustration of ‘two-stage trying ‘ or ‘multistage trying ‘ : in the first phase a sample of countries is chosen ; in the 2nd phase a sample of respondentswithinthose countries is selected. This can cut down travel and other administrative costs. It besides means that one does non necessitate asampling framelisting all elements in the mark population. Alternatively, bunchs can be chosen from a cluster-level frame, with an element-level frame created merely for the selected bunchs. Cluster trying by and large increases the variableness of sample estimations above that of simple random sampling, depending on how the bunchs differ between themselves, as compared with the within-cluster fluctuation. However, some of the disadvantages of bunch trying are the trust of sample estimation preciseness on the existent bunchs chosen. If bunchs chosen are biased in a certain manner, illations drawn about population parametric quantities from these sample estimations will be far off from being accurate.Matched random tryingA method of delegating participants to groups in which brace of participants are foremost matched on some characteristic and so separately assigned indiscriminately to groups. The process for matched random sampling can be briefed with the following contexts, * Two samples in which the members are clearly paired, or are matched explicitly by the research worker. For illustration, IQ measurings or braces of indistinguishable twins. * Those samples in which the same property, or variable, is measured twice on each topic, under different fortunes. Normally called perennial steps. Examples include the times of a group of jocks for 1500m before and after a hebdomad of particular preparation ; the milk outputs of cattles before and after being fed a peculiar diet.Quota tryingInquota sampling, the population is foremost segmented intomutually exclusivesub-groups, merely as instratified sampling. Then judgement is used to choose the topics or units from each section based on a specified proportion. For illustration, an interviewer may be told to try 200 females and 300 males between the age of 45 and 60. It is this 2nd measure which makes the technique one of non-probability sampling. In quota trying the choice of the sample is non-random. For illustration interviewers might be tempted to interview those who look most helpful. The job is that these samples may be biased because non everyone gets a opportunity of choice. This random component is its greatest failing and quota versus chance has been a affair of contention for many old agesConvenience samplingConvenience samplingis a type of nonprobability trying which involves the sample being drawn from that portion of the population which is close to manus. That is, a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient. The research worker utilizing such a sample can non scientifically do generalisations about the entire population from this sample because it would non be representative plenty. For illustration, if the interviewer was to carry on such a study at a shopping centre early in the forenoon on a given twenty-four hours, the people that he/she could interview would be limited to those given there at that given clip, which would non stand for the positions of other members of society in such an country, if the study was to be conducted at different times of twenty-four hours and several times per hebdomad. This type of trying is most utile for pilot proving. Several of import considerations for research workers utilizing convenience samples include: * Are at that place controls within the research design or experiment which can function to decrease the impact of a non-random, convenience sample whereby guaranting the consequences will be more representative of the population? * Is at that place good ground to believe that a peculiar convenience sample would or should react or act otherwise than a random sample from the same population? * Is the inquiry being asked by the research 1 that can adequately be answered utilizing a convenience sample?Panel samplingPanel samplingis the method of first choosing a group of participants through a random trying method and so inquiring that group for the same information once more several times over a period of clip. Therefore, each participant is given the same study or interview at two or more clip points ; each period of informations aggregation is called a â€Å" moving ridge †. This trying methodological analysis is frequently chosen for big graduated table or nation-wide surveies in order to estimate alterations in the population with respect to any figure of variables from chronic unwellness to occupation emphasis to weekly nutrient outgos. Panel sampling can besides be used to inform research workers about within-person wellness alterations due to age or aid explicate alterations in uninterrupted dependent variables such as bridal interaction. There have been se veral proposed methods of analysing panel sample informations, including MANOVA, growing curves, and structural equation patterning with lagged effects.Replacement of selected unitsSampling strategies may bewithout replacementorwith replacing. For illustration, if we catch fish, mensurate them, and instantly return them to the H2O before go oning with the sample, this is a WR design, because we might stop up catching and mensurating the same fish more than one time. However, if we do non return the fish to the H2O ( e.g. if we eat the fish ) , this becomes a WOR design.FormulasWhere the frame and population are indistinguishable, statistical theory outputs exact recommendations onsample size. However, where it is non straightforward to specify a frame representative of the population, it is more of import to understand thecause systemof which the population are results and to guarantee that all beginnings of fluctuation are embraced in the frame. Large Numberss of observations are o f no value if major beginnings of fluctuation are neglected in the survey. In other words, it is taking a sample group that matches the study class and is easy to study. Research Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journalthat provides an account of Cochran ‘s expression. A treatment and illustration of sample size expressions, including the expression for seting the sample size for smaller populations, is included. A tabular array is provided that can be used to choose the sample size for a research job based on three alpha degrees and a set mistake rate.Stairss for utilizing sample size tabular arraies1. Contend the consequence size of involvement, ? , and ? . 2. Check sample size tabular array 1. Choose the tabular array matching to the selected ? 2. Locate the row matching to the coveted power 3. Locate the column matching to the estimated consequence size 4. The intersection of the column and row is the minimal sample size required.Sampling and informations aggregationGood informations aggregation involves:* Following the defined sampling procedure * Keeping the information in clip order * Noting remarks and other contextual events * Recording non-responses Most sampling books and documents written by non-statisticians focused merely in the informations aggregation facet, which is merely a little though of import portion of the sampling procedure.Mistakes in researchThere are ever mistakes in a research. By trying, the entire mistakes can be classified into trying mistakes and non-sampling mistakes.Sampling mistakeSampling mistakes are caused by trying design. It includes: ( 1 ) Choice mistake: Incorrect choice chances are used.( 2 ) Appraisal mistake: Biased parametric quantity estimation because of the elements in these samples.Non-sampling mistakeNon-sampling mistakes are caused by the errors in informations processing. It includes: ( 1 ) Overcoverage: Inclusion of informations from exterior of the population.( 2 ) Undercoverage: Sampling frame does non include elements in the population.( 3 ) Measurement mistake: The respondents misunderstand the inquiry.( 4 ) Processing mistake: Mistakes in informations cryptography. In many state of affairss the sample fraction may be varied by stratum and informations will hold to be weighted to right stand for the population. Thus for illustration, a simple random sample of persons in the United Kingdom might include some in distant Scots islands who would be extraordinarily expensive to try. A cheaper method would be to utilize a graded sample with urban and rural strata. The rural sample could be under-represented in the sample, but weighted up suitably in the analysis to counterbalance. More by and large, informations should normally be weighted if the sample design does non give each person an equal opportunity of being selected. For case, when families have equal choice chances but one individual is interviewed from within each family, this gives people from big families a smaller opportunity of being interviewed. This can be accounted for utilizing study weights. Similarly, families with more than one telephone line have a greater opportunity of being selected in a random figure dialing sample, and weights can set for this.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Looking For Alibrandi Essay
At the start of â€Å"Looking for Alibrandi†, by Melina Marchetta we are introduced to a seventeen year old girl by the name of Josephine â€Å"Josie†Alibrandi, who is in her last year of high school. By the end of the book it is made obvious that Josephine has gone through many dramatic and important changes, including achieving her emancipation, discovering her family secret, accepting her culture, and meeting, and having a relationship with her father, Michael Andretti. All of these changes, and others, help to shape the character of Josephine Alibrandi. Throughout the year, Josephine talks of wanting to achieve her emancipation. ‘I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as an Italian and not as an in-between. I’ll run to be emancipated.†(pg40). Josie also wants to be free to make her own decisions, and she doesn’t want to care about what others are saying, like she does now. J osie Marco Andretti (left #26) and his father Michael A†¦ Andretti Autosport (then Andretti Green Racing) ow†¦ At the same time, she realises that she can’t escape everything. â€Å"If my society will let me.†(pg40). Josie thinks that part of her emancipation is to be free of her Italian background, which is not possible, because it will always be a part of her. She believes that it may stop her from achieving her emancipation. Soon Josie realised that the only thing that was stopping her emancipation was herself. â€Å"Relief because I was finally beginning to feel free. From whom? Myself, I think.†(pg221). Josie realises that she is holding herself back from what she really wants, but she isn’t sure whether she wants to fight for it or not. When John Barton died, she came to a decision. â€Å"I remembered when we spoke about achieving our emancipation. The horror is that he had to die to achieve his. The beauty is that I’m living to achieve mine.†(pg240). Josie believes in fighting for her emancipation. By the end of the year, Josie realises that she has already achieved her emancipation. â€Å"I just sat there thinking back over the year and I realised that I was emancipated long ago. It wasn’t at one particular point either, it was at several.†(pg258). At the Walk-a-thon, for example, Josie realised that leaving the walk-a-thon to go with her friends was wrong. â€Å"I was wrong, I thought to myself. I honestly believed it. Not because Sister Louise told me so or because she made me believe I was. I knew deep down that I was wrong and I think that my emancipation began at that moment.†(pg185). Events such as these lead to her emancipation, letting Josie feel free. At the beginning of the year Josie doesn’t have a good relationship with her Nonna, Katia. As the year goes on, they get closer, and it is through this closeness that Jos ie learns of Katia’s secret, that her mother’s biological father is not her Nonno Francesco, but is in fact, Marcus Sandford, an Australian man that Katia was friends with. Josie first learns of Marcus after having a fight with her mother Christina. She later finds out that he was an Australian policeman who helped Katia during the war. Katia’s sister Patrizia was very thankful towards him for his help, but Josie could tell that Katia thought of him as more than another pair of hands. At Christina’s birthday party Josie realises that it was impossible for Francesco to be Christina’s father, because he was away for the holidays. Josie then has an argument with Katia about this, and runs out of the house. â€Å"I’m not quite sure why I hate Marcus Sandford and Nonna for what they did. I had thought their story was romantic. I had thought that nothing had happened. It was like he was a myth I could always dream about. My mother, though, is the reality. Her reality was living with a man who detested her for something her mother did.†(pg218). After realising that she was no longer angry at Katia, Josie goes to talk to her, and appreciates that staying with Francesco, instead of going with Marcus, was only for Christina’s benefit, not her own. â€Å"Those years without Christina or you when you were a baby were my punishment.†(pg226). Josie understands the pain Katia went through, and knows that Katia loves her, and Christina, more than anything else. Josie has always seen her Italian culture and heritage as a burden, but as the year progresses, she gains a greater understanding of it, and ultimately accepts that it’s part in her life. From the beginning of the year, and perhaps before then, Josie thinks of her culture as something that will hold her back from being what she wants to be, and doing what she wants to do. She also sees it as the thing that keeps her from being like the others at her school. â€Å"I think if it comes down to the bottom line, no matter how smart I am, or how much I achieve, I am always going to be a little ethnic from Glebe as far as these people are concerned.†(pg167). She later realises that she can never get away from it. â€Å"†¦simply because like religion, culture is nailed into you, so deep you can’t escape it. No matter how far you run.†(pg175). Josie knows that her culture is a part of her being, it plays a part as to her appearance, and how she looks at life. As she spends more time learning and understanding her family, in particular Katia, she sees her culture not as a burden, but as a gift, something that sets her apart from everyone else. She gains an understanding that her culture is just one of Australia’s many. â€Å"Well, I’m not sure whether everyone in this country will ever understand multiculturalism and that saddens me, because it’s as much a part of Australian life as football an d meat pies.†(pg258). She knows that some people will never accept her, and she’s okay with that. â€Å"I didn’t care what they thought and I even began to doubt that anyone, give or take a few gossips like Sera, gave a damn either. I thought of Michael and my mother, who didn’t seem to worry about people’s opinions. And by the looks of things, Nonna didn’t have the right to. Jacob didn’t give a damn who I was either, John accepted me the way I was and Lee and Anna had never made me feel different. So that covered all the important people and I’d be a pretentious hypocrite if others were more important to me than those who loved me.†(pg220). Josie knows that culture will change people’s minds about her, but as long as it doesn’t matter to the people she loves, then it doesn’t matter to her either. Josie experiences an unusual thing in her year, meeting her father Michael Andretti for the first time, and having a relationship wit h him. She has known about him all of her life, and at first, when he moves to Sydney, she doesn’t want anything to do with him. When she finally meets him at Katia’s she becomes emotionally overwhelmed, and can’t face him. After a fight with Carly Bishop, resulting in a broken nose, Josie decided to call him. As much as Josie would like to keep on ignoring him, she needs his help. â€Å"‘My father is a barrister. I’ll call him,’ I said calmly†. (pg84). When he comes and helps her, she accepts him as her father. Soon after that, Michael decided that he would like to know Josie, and they begin a relationship. As time goes on, Josie and Michael get closer, and they go away together to Adelaide. During this time, the two get closer. â€Å"I’m still shocked by how fast things are going between us. Six months ago I hadn’t met my father and I didn’t want to. These days I see him three times a week and the days I don’t see him he rings me. Somehow we’ve developed a great relationship.†(pg156). Near the end of the year Josie finds out that Michael is staying in Sydney, and Josie is ecstatic, and spends more and more time with him, even going as far as calling him â€Å"Dad†â€Å"But I love Michael Andretti more and more every day. I love him double to what I did maybe a month ago, yet I see his faults now too.†(pg259). Although Josie started the year not knowing her father, Michael Andretti easily moved into the role, providing Josie with a complete, loving family. Throughout the year Josie went through many changes and developments, caused by important events in her life. Some things happened that she expected, like her emancipation, and some things that happened that she didn’t really expect, like accepting her culture. Josie got something she didn’t want, her family secret, but got something better, her relationship with her dad. Josie finally realised exactly who she was, and understands where she fits into the lives around her. â€Å"I’ve figured out that it doesn’t matter whether I’m Josephine Andretti who was never an Alibrandi, who should have been a Sandford and who may never be a Coote. It matters who I feel like I am – and I feel like Michael and Christina’s daughter and Katia’s granddaughter; Sera, Anna and Lee’s friend and Robert’s cousin. You know, a wonderful thing happened to me when I reflected back on my year. ‘One day’ came. Because finally I understood.†(pg260).
Monday, July 29, 2019
International Marketing and Business Operations Essay - 1
International Marketing and Business Operations - Essay Example The GDP of Hong Kong was recorded at $369.4 billion and it showed a 5 year compound annual growth of 2.5%. The picture above shows some of the factors which have contributed to making Hong Kong number 1 in the world in the economic freedom index (The Heritage Foundation, 2014). It has fiscal freedom, regulatory efficiency, market openness and rule of law, making it the perfect place for direct investment. This is also evident by looking at the FDI inflow into Hong Kong which stands at a staggering $74.6 billion (The Heritage Foundation, 2014). The growth in the tourism industry of Hong Kong has led to an increase in the numbers of mainland tourists visiting Hong Kong. The stable job market has also increased local positive spending with the retail industry increasing by 11% in current value terms in 2012 (Colliers International, 2013). In 2012, there was an increase in the number of international brands opening their stores in Hong Kong, an act which is a testament to the confidence in the market. There has been an increase in the number of retail outlets in Hong Kong which has attracted even more shoppers from mainland China. The total value of retail sales growth was recorded at an 8.5% YoY growth in November (Colliers International, 2013). Inbound visitors support the retail sector and the figures from the Hong Kong tourism board shows that Hong Kong received a total of 13.5 million inbound visitors during 2013 (Euromonitor International, 2013). This influx of tourists means that there are a lot more potential shoppers in the market than the existing population figures show. The market is ideal for retailing as tourists shoppers are likely to shop and indulge in positive local spending. Another aspect worth noting is the fact that retail rents of shops in key shopping districts and expected to decline by 5% over the next year (Euromonitor
Sunday, July 28, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
HRM - Essay Example It seems that appropriate HR practices need to be introduced for help the firm to stabilize its performance towards its rivals. The above problem is explored in this paper; HR tools and practices are suggested for the limitation of the firm’s HR challenges, as described above. It is concluded that strategies, like the HR audit and the HR benchmark could significantly help towards the limitation of the firm’s HR gaps. However, it would be necessary that these plans are appropriately monitored in all their phases; the hiring of employees and the training of existing staff should become indispensable elements of the firm’s HR strategy. 1. So far, GS Plumbing has not conducted a formal audit of the HR function. Why would this activity be useful and who should be involved? Through the case study it is made clear that GS Plumbing faces a series of HR management problems. Alan, as the firm’s HR manager has the responsibility for the appropriate handling of all re levant problems. As revealed through the case study, Alan is willing to develop the firm’s HR policies. However, delays occur in regard to the achievement of this target. These delays are partially related to the following fact: Alan has to work on administrative tasks that would be normally handled by other members of the staff – referring especially to Gail and Jane. ... At the same time, problems like increased absence from work, low employee performance (resulted to increased customer complaints), lack of appropriate training of new staff and luck of trust across the organization need to be appropriately addressed. A solution should be also identified in order to keep existing staff motivated – periodically employees leave the company for the competitors. The HR audit could help to identify all failures in gaps in the firm’s HR policies, helping the firm’s senior managers to understand how ‘HR policies could contribute to the organizational success’ (Mathis and Jackson 2008, 62). Moreover, it could help to locate a series of appropriate solutions. In accordance with Phillips (1996) the HR audit function can help to identify the effectiveness of the firm’s HR policies, reviewing all areas of HR function, including the hiring, training and remuneration processes and policies of the organization (Phillips 1996, 37). At this point, it should be noted that the requirements of HR audit, can be many, including legal, technical and managerial issues (Storey 2009). The HR audit in GS plumbing could be based on a survey. The use of alternative method of HR audit, such as the interviews could be also used (Phillips 1996, 37), in case that the firm’s technical staff would agree with this strategy. Alan would be the most appropriate person to develop the HR audit across the organization knowing well all details related to the firm’s operations but also the challenges that the firm has to face within its market. 2. Unplanned absence of employees is a particular issue at GS Plumbing. Develop a process to address this issue. Since the unplanned absence of
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Fiscal aspects of health care delivery Research Paper
Fiscal aspects of health care delivery - Research Paper Example Although health insurance had developed much, there was shortage of health facilities in US. To increase the number of health facilities, the Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946 was enacted. The sources of money for construction of healthcare facilities came from the state and local sources. As the mode of delivery of health care improved, the cost of health care increased and many people were unable to pay the cost. In 1960, third–party payment systems for health care were created and they acted as the standard mode of health care cost payment in the country. The growth of third-party payment systems increased further the cost of health care. This is because many patients were able to access health care services without out-of-pocket expenses. Those uninsured found it more difficult to access health care services. In 1965, Medicare and Medicaid programs were established to give people more access to health care services. These programs were meant to cater for the elderly, disabled and the poor. Several acts were enacted between 1940 and 1993 and all were meant to improve the delivery of health care services. The acts were as a result of the demands and improvements in medical fields (Kotecki, McKenzie and Pinger, 2008). The US economy is concerned with the rising cost of health care services. Over the last decades the cost of healthcare services has been rising every year. Health care inflation will greatly affect the economy in the coming years due to a number of factors concerned with the delivery of these services. The number of uninsured people is also increasing and this is a concern because many of these people are low income earners, poor, elderly or disabled. Their accessibility to better health care services is very minimal (Jonas and Kovner, 2008). Quality of health care services has been reducing and it is estimated that between 40, 000 and 100, 000 Americans die each year due to medical
Current Event Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
Current Event Paper - Assignment Example The main objective is to make an analysis of the direction of food packaging equipment in the future. Packaging material will be an important tool within the processing and packaging of food industry. The article discusses on the improvisation of market and the possible setbacks. Details on the advantages and disadvantages of different food processing and packaging equipment are discussed as well. Analysis of the structure of the equipment used in food processing and packaging is discussed and how revenue can be generated more. The impacts of use of packaging to customers are also discussed in the article (pr, 2014). This research is related to the concept learned in class because they both discuss how producing goods in a certain way is useful to an organization. The article discusses on how to make products attractive to the customers. This is related to how the concept in class discusses process choice to sell new products in the market. Newswire US.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Care of Postoperative Patint with Right Fracture Neck of Femur with Essay
Care of Postoperative Patint with Right Fracture Neck of Femur with issue of Pain - Essay Example In addition to this, the patients dosage was changed from 300 mg of gabapentin before admittance, to 600 mg, before being reduced to 300 mg ten days after surgery. The patient controlled analgesic was used for four days following the operation, at which time a 20 mcg Butrans patch was applied in the morning. In compliance with warnings for this drug, it was necessary to reduce the patient controlled report will primarily focus upon the evaluation of the painkillers given to the patient in order to determine whether any relevant factors indicative of adverse reactions are indicated by the facts at hand, and the most likely prognosis given the information presented. Any analysis of patient outcomes must be evaluated with these vulnerabilities in mind. The conditions of this case study entail specific risk factors and comorbidities which will be discussed at length based on the findings of recent research on these subjects. There are various types of hip and femoral fractures that represent a growing health burden for the United Kingdom. Most of the attention dedicated towards this problem is directed towards the elderly population, specifically how to resolve challenges in perioperative care and anesthetics for elderly patients at high risk for femoral fractures. For this case study, it is necessary to assess the quality of care this patient has received, in addition to the most likely prognosis based upon the observed situation and the treatments prescribed. For this case study, background information will be provided concerning the conditions involved, specifically the complications resulting from geriatric hip/femur fractures. In cases of elderly patients, in light of consistent evidence that elderly patients are more susceptible to negative side effects from drugs, as well as various synergistic interactions. This is compounded by the fact that the elderly are more likely to take greater numbers
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Information warfare and cyber security Research Paper
Information warfare and cyber security - Research Paper Example Referred to as the information warfare, it poses a high security risk to any country’s critical infrastructural base, and is thus of great concern to the various governments as they are forced to create new measures to protect the national assets. Information warfare in the 21st century has become more diverse in nature, with various changes in its design taking place owing to innovativeness in technology and greater informational access. This diverse nature has also expanded the scope for application of information warfare mechanisms into critical non-military arenas, like the commercial environment. The introduction of information through the use of internet and computers within the military arena has given rise to various force multipliers like Network Centric Warfare, Information Operations, and the C4I2SR Systems, and this age of information warfare and cyber terrorism often referred to as Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), has not only changed the way modern wars are fought, but have also opened a new perspective in the domination of a new arena, the cyber space. This paper will take an in-depth look into the sphere of information warfare. Information warfare and cyber security 1 Introduction â€Å"One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skillful. Seizing the enemy without fighting is the most skillful.†Sun Tzu (Sixth Century B.C). 1.1 Background information on Information warfare The various technological innovations and scientific discoveries that have occurred in the last two or three decades have been in the general benefit of mankind, yet these same scientific advancements have been put to negative use by some, for causing wide scale damages to the society at large. This threat has taken a more distinct form since the arrival of Internet during the 1990s, where not all internet users have used the virtual realms for beneficial or peaceful activities. Information warfare is one such instance where certain crimina ls have put computers (internet) and the information obtained through it, for various nefarious activities. Information warfare is a form of terrorism used effectively to weaken entities, and is an emerging threat for all nations’ worldwide and global commerce, with the potential to effectively breakdown the critical infrastructural framework of any country, and is an example of what Sun Tzu had predicted in the 6th century BC, about â€Å"seizing the enemy without fighting.†In the recent times both instances of attack and degree of threat have reached such large proportions that cyber war is now considered at par with land, air, or sea wars, with a persistently increasing potentiality to cause grave damages to the security of any nation, as were evinced in the attacks on Georgia and Estonia (Beidleman, 2009). This is particularly dangerous in many of the developed nations where the critical infrastructure and processes like commercial activities and utilities, bankin g sector, and mode of communications completely operate through the computers and the cyberspace. Even more than a decade after the Internet came into being, there are no universally recognized uniform codes of laws or an authorized body to govern the cyberspace,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Movement of people Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Movement of people Migration - Essay Example (Cohen 1997) Though the African contribution to America's exponential explosion of multiculturalism may be little known, the recent expansion of social variety in America is widely acknowledged. The United States and New York City are the principal destinations of recent documented and undocumented African immigrants. As far as new groups of recent immigrants have settled communities, many urban, suburban, and even rural areas have become "unexpectedly" varied and diverse. The appearance of differences has undermined the myth about American "melting pot". It has made, for some Americans, the specter of new immigration a bitter political issue of national scope. It was also obvious that the new immigration has raised much political debate in local contexts. (Global diasporas: An introduction 1997) Attracted by the global lights of the United States of America, many African immigrants came to New York in order not to settle, but to earn as much money as possible. And then they were going to return home. And, of course, they faced a great number of problems. After arrival they soon pointed out that their bad English, limited technological knowledge, and shadowy immigration status made working in the sphere of economy practically impossible. Having faced this brute reality, they entered the informal economy, as a result of which many of them became street vendors. It is a matter of fact that the community of African immigrants in America is profoundly fluid. Many of the men who migrated to America in the early 1990s have returned home. (Salzman 1996) Only few of the African immigrants aspire to American citizenship. They also feel practically no social connection to the communities they live in. As a result they contribute little to community life. The sociocultural, legal, and political tensions of living in the United States have also deepened negative impressions that many Africans hold of American society. Many African immigrants identify America as a violent, insensitive, time-constrained place in which morally exhausted people have no time to visit one another. To buffer themselves from social deprivation and cultural isolation, Africans have formed informal credit groups or more formal mutual assistance groups like the Guinean Association of America African immigrants in American have little social stability and few formal institutions. (Foner 2001) African immigrants also have to confront and resolve medical problems, regulatory dilemmas, and cultural alienation. These problems are inextricably linked. For the great majority of African immigrants, evasion of public hospitals doesn't mean that they distrust Western medicine. They are frightened with the INS. Although the great majority of African immigrants in the United States express intense approval for the economic opportunities they enjoy and exploit in the United States, they consistently complain of loneliness, sociocultural isolation, and alienation from mainstream American social customs. These conditions, which lead to a decreased sense of control over one's life, have had an influence on the subjective well-being of
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Hacking and Cracking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hacking and Cracking - Essay Example This means that the person performing hacking had to modify system operations to attain what they require or to perform unusual functions (Peterson and Bender, 2011). Hacking evolved after the invention of the fist computer in the 1950s and was widely changed and used to test the strength of systems. Later in 1980s hacking and cracking where differentiated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). According to MIT, hacking is ethical non-destructive performances while cracking is non-ethical performances aimed at destroying computer systems either by breaking, wiping out data or infecting the system with viruses or malware. The 21st century description for hacking is based on the following terms. Hacking must follow safety measures, must not be destructive and must not have effect on any person emotionally, physically or mentally. Hacking is performed with the help of the following programming languages, telnet, Trojan horses and key loggers. Hacking with the use of Trojan horses helps the hacker to passwords. A Trojan horse is a kind of program that is only meant for hacking and not like viruses or worms. Viruses and worms replicate th emselves and are meant for destruction of programs in the system (Peterson and Bender, 2011). According to Syed (2004), hacking is an illegal act if a person does not have authority to perform such actions. Hacking operation can be performed on various systems such as emails whereby persons hack email. Hacking is also done by computer experts who are able to write programs or have wide knowledge of programming languages. Hacking is mainly performed to ascertain the strength of company’s security system. In this way, the organization can pin-point and correct the security flaws in the organization to avoid loss of data or computer virus infections. Cracking is done with help of software. However, the person cracking must also have a bit of knowledge of programming
Monday, July 22, 2019
Marital Paradigm Essay Example for Free
Marital Paradigm Essay I grew up in a joint family in India, which had 3 married couple and their kids. Marital relationships that I saw in my family were not great but not bad either. All the men used to work in the family business and the women used to take care of the children and the house. Many times my parents used to fight and my dad used to scream at my mom, but my mom never had the guts to say anything to him. I always saw that my mom was scared of him and I used to question myself why doesn’t she reply back. And being a girl myself I used to think that probably girls cant say anything when theirs husband are screaming at them. I used to talk to my mom and tell her why cant she reply back, but I never really got an answer. I always saw my mom as the weaker one in the relationship. On the other hand we had a family friend and both husband wife used to work as college professors. In their house the husband never screamed at the wife, I am sure they had conflicts but you could totally see the respect that he gave to his wife. When I grew a little bit older my mom started telling me how she felt. That was when she told me that she was a housewife and my dad was the one who earned in the family and thus he could talk like that to my mom. My dad always dominated her as he is the man of the family and is the one responsible for all the decisions of the family. And this was not only my parents I 4saw this trend throughout my family with the other two couples as well. Certain assumptions that I saw in the relationships were that even if it was my dad’s fault, my mom always had to be the first one to apologize. Also since my mom is eight years younger than my dad I saw that my dad didn’t really understand her and took her for granted at times. Bring the older one he tried to impose certain things on her. I also saw that if I tried to calm down my dad he didn’t like it as I was a child and I should not be involved in their matters. This training has had a lot of impact on my relationships. As I always saw my mom being dominated by my dad, I didn’t want that to happen with me. When I grew up I had certain things very clear in my mind. I wanted to be educated enough so that I can earn myself and have a good job, so I never dependent on my husband for anything. For that reason I came to USA and decided to study here. In my past relationships, I made it very clear to my artners that my career is more important than anything in my life and I wouldn’t leave it for anyone. I was also very clear about anyone screaming at me. Since I saw my mom always being screamed at and I always hated it. Also I have certain things straight for my future. I want my husband to understand that I will not stop working and be a housewife, so that later I have to dependent on him. I want him to respect my decisions and me. Many times I have seen that the women of the house are not asked to contribute in family matters, and I think that is not right at all. So I want to have a relationship where we both contribute in the family matters and come to a conclusion together. I am not yet married but I think the things I have in mind for my marital relationship are very clear. According to the book women still do two-third of the household work. I think if women can earn like men do, then men should work the same like women. I think my idea of marriage is based on a simple rule, which is to give the amount of resect you get. And I think it is pretty healthy because if two people cannot respect each other for what they are then they cannot be together for long. Moreover I have been taught marriage is not only about two people, but it is about two families that get together. And I expect my husband to respect and get along with my family as being the only child I think my parents are my responsibility and will always be. Thus whoever marries me has to understand the importance of my parents in my life, and on the other hand I want to be comfortable with his family too. I also feel that at times girls tend to be too clingy with their partners, and I think that is one reason why guys get irritated. Therefore I would like to give space to my husband when he needs and expect the same from him. Some people might think that this is being stupid but I know I wouldn’t like if my husband gets over protective about me, and the same way I don’t want to be over protective about him. I know it’s not easy to be with a person like me who is over ambitious. And at times it can be a problem for guys to see the girl so much into her work, and for me my career has always been more important than anything. I think this can be a problem when I get married, because at times it has been a problem for my boyfriends to understand my passion about my work. This is something I want to work on as most of the times guys don’t understand this. Also I like the idea of peer marriage as in a marriage where both people respect each other equally and understand each other’s likes and dislikes it becomes easier to be together. According to the book faithfulness is the number one reason for marital success. And I totally agree with this, even if the physical relationship between two people is not that good, if they both are faithful to each other nothing can separate them. My parents have not only taught me to be faithful but I also have seen this in their relationship. Even though my father was dominating my mother, they are still together. This is because no one of them was unfaithful to the other. Also I think from a few years the fights between my parents reduced I think this happened because they saw that I am a grown up now and all this might affect my thoughts about marriage. Children are a big reason why two people stay together even if they don’t want to. But I think that’s not right. I don’t want my husband to be with me just because of our children, because that’s doing a favor to our relationship. I would like us to be together because we make each other happy not because of a third reason. I am brought up in a culture where non-marital sex is not accepted. And these values are embedded inside me. I know now a days girls have sex when they are 14 years of age, but I am 21 years old and I am still a virgin. Being in USA and telling your boyfriend that you wont have sex with him because of your culture is not easy. Many times people judge my beliefs but that has not affected me at all. I want my husband to respect my beliefs and understand where I am coming from. Because for me a relationship is not only about getting physical, there is a lot more to it, and what I have heard and seen around me is that guys only want to get physical. I know according to the book sex is the second reason why marriages work. But for me it is not. I am not against sex at all, but I don’t want my marriage to be dependent on it. Book talks about homogamous marriage, which is a type of marriage in which spouses share their race, ethnicity, age, or social class. Basically a marriage where the two people have something in common. Obviously my parents want me to get married to a guy from the same caste and I agree with them. Because I think if the guy is familiar with my religion, my caste, and my society there is better change of understanding between both of us. In a nutshell I want a marriage where we both can share our happiness, and problems with each other without any problem. A relationship where I get the same respect that I give to the other person.
Drug Addiction and Service Training Program Essay Example for Free
Drug Addiction and Service Training Program Essay The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Law, RA 9163, also known as â€Å"An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program for tertiary level students, has three program components; Reserve Officer’s Training Corps [ROTC], Civic Welfare Training Service [CWTS], and Literacy Training Service [LTS] – aiming to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth and developing the ethics of service and patriotism. Under the NSTP-MAPUA Office, which supervises the implementations of CWTS and ROTC, governed by R.A. 9163 of 2001, are MAPUA-CWTS and MAPUA-ROTC Offices. These two independent offices provide students a grading system, and different activities that endows students with theoretical and practical knowledge and experiences that are needed for community services. After finishing LTS/CWTS, graduates become part of National Service Reserved Corps; after finishing ROTC, graduates will be a part of Citizen Armed Forces. A human is a rational being, born free but are responsible for his own action, has his own identity for who he is, intrinsically a social being, and sexual in nature with uniqueness of expression – these are the characteristics of a person. Values are integrated in a person’s physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, social economic and political aspects. By understanding the character and the definition of a person, maximizing these characteristics are crucial to be able to create a positive result in realizing his competence and ability. There are many opportunities that await each person, but blind enough to notice it. A person himself is best qualified in changing and directing his life for he’s always been given an alternative whether to do or not to do an act, and is accompanied by responsibility. Understanding Filipino values are very important in realizing how Filipinos behave and act, for these values serve as a basis on which every individual’s s trength in facing the challenges of life should be directed. The positive side of the Filipino values should be put in use and disregard the negative ones to be able to bring out the best in the Filipino society in general and the individual in particular. Each Filipino I blessed inherently by a set of values – value of respect for life, concern for the family and the future generations, value of truth, of justice, of equality, of promotion of the common good, and of concern for the environment. These values are in need to be awakened in order to serve as a vehicle and reinforcement towards our goal of realizing social change and progress. A group is defined as a collection of individuals with different personalities acting and interacting with one another in the process of living. Within a group, a leader or a set of leaders is/are appointed; the one who guides his members and possess certain qualities on effective leadership. John C. Maxwell‟s book entitled â€Å"21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader†helps people recogn ize, develop and refine the personal characteristics needed to be a truly effective leader that people would want to follow. For every group, decisions are made. There are different kinds of decision-making, for instance, having only one person to decide or having a majority vote. Difficulties are also encountered but there are some conflict resolutions and styles used to solve the problem. National security is the protection to preserve the nation’s physical integrity and territory. National security has an objective of defending the territorial integrity of the state and the freedom to determine one’s own government while, human security aims the safety and survival of people, shorthand for the same is freedom from fear of physical violence. It responds to ordinary people’s needs in dealing with sources of threats. Disaster is a phenomenon brought about by either natural or man-made hazards that causes great damage and suffering – for instance, in life and property. The community, composed of its people in a state or country, takes extra-ordinary measures on how to survive when everything we take for granted is gone, when structures we depend on have failed. Disaster preparedness is an activity which complies with the preventive measures, ensuring that the community is in a state of readiness to contain the effects of a forecasted disastrous event in order to minimize loss of life, injury, and damage to property. Disaster management is a planned step taken to minimize the effects of a disaster. DRUG – any substance that brings physical, psychological, emotional and behavioral changes when used. There are many consequences when people use drugs; their behavior changes leading them to do bad things to others and their selves, and all sorts of health problems. Every classification of drug abusers – from experimenters, occasional, regular users to drug dependent people, corresponds to certain counter measures, depending on the degree of drug abuse. The Republic Act 9165, known as the Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002, is the one that deals on cases which involve the use of drugs.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Business Essays Marketing Strategies HSBC
Business Essays Marketing Strategies HSBC HSBC Marketing Strategies One of the largest banking and financial services organisation in the world is known as the HSBC Group. It has established businesses in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. In 1991, HSBC holdings were incorporated in England, with its head office based in London. In 1999, the company established its international brand name, which ensured that the Groups corporate symbol became a familiar sight all across the world. HSBC differentiates its brand name from those of its competitors by describing the unique characteristics which distinguish HSBC, namely being, The worlds local bank. As at 31st December 2004, its total asset was valued at  £660 billion. It has over 9,800 offices worldwide. It employs over 253, 000 people, across different countries and territories. Its shares are held by around 200,000 people in some 100 countries and territories. The companys shares are also traded on most of the worlds renowned stock exchanges, namely, London, P aris, New York, and Bermuda stock exchanges respectively. One of the major tools it uses for functionality on a worldwide scale is the companys use of information technology. Its e-business channels include the internet, PC banking, interactive TV, and telephone banking. It maintains its own private network (intranet and extranet), in which HSBCs websites attracted 900 million visits in 2004. The HSBC group provides a comprehensive range of financial services namely: Personal Financial Services: It has over 100 million personal consumers worldwide (including Consumer Finance customers). It provides a full range of personal finance services, including current and savings accounts, mortgages, insurance, loans, credit cards, pensions, and investment services. It is one of the worlds top ten issuers of credit cards. Consumer Finance: The Companys Finance Corporations consumer finance business ensures point of sale credit to consumers, and lends money and provides related services to meet the financial needs of everyday people. In 2004, it completed the integration of its former household businesses. Commercial Banking: HSBC is a leading provider of financial services to small, medium-sized and middle market enterprises. The group has over two million such customers, including sole proprietors, partnerships, clubs, and associations, incorporated businesses and publicly quoted companies. In the UK, 209 Commercial Centre were launched to provide improved relationship management for higher value small-medium-sized enterprise customers, while in Hong Kong, Business Banking Centres, were expanded to provide a one-stop service. Corporate Investment Banking and Markets: Tailored financial services are provided to corporate and financial clients. Business lines include Global Markets, Corporate and Institutional Banking, Global Transaction Banking, and Global Investment Banking. Global Markets includes foreign exchange, fixed income, derivatives, equities, metals trade, and other trading businesses. Corporate and Institutional Banking covers relationship management and lending activities. Global Transaction Banking includes payment and cash management, trade services, supply chain, securities services, and wholesale banknotes businesses. Global Investment Banking involves investment banking advisory, and investment banking financing activities. Private Banking: HSBC is one of the worlds top private banking businesses, providing financial services to high net worth individual and families in 70 different locations. HISTORY OF THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION The HSBC group evolved from The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was founded in 1865 in Hong Kong with offices in Shanghai, London, and an agency in San Francisco, USA. The company expanded primarily through already established offices in the banks name until the mid 1950s when it began to create or acquire subsidiaries. The following are some of the key transitions in the Groups growth and history since 1959. In 1959, HSBC acquired the British Bank of the Middle East formerly known as the Imperial Bank of Persia. In 1965, it acquired a majority shareholding of the Hang Seng Bank Limited. In 1971, the British Bank of the Middle East acquired a minority stake of 20% in the Cyprus Popular Bank Limited, which currently trades as the Laiki Group. In 1972, Midland Bank acquired a shareholding in UBAF Bank Limited (now known as British Arab Commercial Bank Limited). In 1978, the Saudi British Bank is established under local control to take over the British Bank of the Middle Easts branches in Saudi Arabia. In 1980, it acquired 51% of New York States Marine Midland Bank (now known as HSBC Bank USA). At the same time Midland acquired a controlling interest leading German private bank, Trinkaus and Burkhardt (now known as HSBC Trinkaus Burkhardt KGaA). In 1981, HSBC established a branch in Vancouver, Canada. In the same year the Group acquired a controlling interest in Equator Holdings Limited, wh ich was a merchant bank engaged in trade finance in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1982, Egyptian British Bank S.A.E. is formed, with the HSBC group holding a 40% stake. In 1983, Marine Midland Bank acquired Carroll McEntee and McGinley (now HSBC securities (USA) inc.), a New York based primary dealer in US government securities. In 1986, HSBC Australia was established. In 1987, it acquired the remaining shares of Marine Midland and a 14.9% equity interest in Midland Bank (now HSBC Bank Plc). In 1991, HSBC Holdings was established (as mentioned previously); its shares were traded for the first time in London and Hong Kong stock exchanges. In 1992, it purchased the remaining equity stake in Midland Bank. In 1993, it moved its head office to London. In 1994, HSBC Malaysia was established. In 1997, the group established a subsidiary in Brazil, Banco HSBC Bamerindus S.A., and acquired Roberts S.A. de Inversiones in Argentina, HSBC Brazil, and HSBC Argentina, respectively. In 1999, shares of HSBC began trading on a third stock exchange, New York. In the same year it acquired, Republic New York Corporation, which was then integrated into HSBC USA Inc and its sister company Safra Republic holdings S.A. (now known as HSBC Republic Holdings Luxembourg). At the same time Midland acquired a 70.03% stake in Mid-Med Bank Plc (now HSBC Bank Malta Plc.), the biggest commercial bank in Malta. In 2000, HSBC acquired CCF, one of the largest Banks in France. Its shares were also traded on a fourth stock exchange, Paris. The group also increased its shareholding in the Egyptian British Bank to over 90% and then later renames it HSBC Bank Egypt S.A.E. It went on to acquire Demirbank TAS, now HSBC Bank A.S., Turkeys fifth largest private Bank in 2001. Additionally, it signed an agreement to purchase 8% stake in the Bank of Shanghai. In 2002, it acquired Grupo Financiero Bital, S.A., de C.V., one of Mexicos largest financial services groups; and a 10% interest in Ping An Insurance Company of China Limited, the second largest life insurance operation in China. In 2003, it acquired Household International (now HSBC Finance Corporation), a leading US consumer finance company; and Lloyds TSBs Brazilian assets including Losango Promotora de Vendas Ltda, a major consume credit institution. Four French private banking subsidiaries combine to form HSBC Private Bank France. The companys insurance brokers at the same time formed a joint venture Beijing HSBC Insurance Brokers Ltd, in which it has a 24.9% stake. Hang Seng Bank also acquired about 16% of Industrial Bank Co. Ltd, a mainland Chinese Commercial Bank, and HSBC agrees to purchase 505 of Fujian Asia Bank Limited (now known as Ping An Bank Limited). In 2004, it acquired the Bank of Bermuda Ltd, a leading provider of fund administration, trust, custody, asset management, and private banking services. It also opened in a fifth stock exchange, the Bermuda stock exchange. In the same year it acquired about 20% of the Bank of Communications Limited, Chinas fifth largest bank. EXISTING LITERATURE REVIEW Around the world corporations are increasingly becoming aware of the enhanced value that corporate branding strategies can provide for an organization. According to Weitz and Wensley (1988), they define marketing strategy as an indicator that is specific towards which activities are to be targeted and the types of competitive advantages that are to be developed and exploited. Implicitly, the strategy requires clear objectives and a focus in line with an organisations corporate goals; the right customers must be targeted more effectively than they are by its competitors, and associated marketing mixes should be developed into marketing programmes that successfully implement the marketing strategy, Varadarajan (1999). A strategic market plan is an outline of the methods and resources required to achieve an organisations goals within a specific target market. It takes into account not only marketing but also all the functional aspects of a business unit that must be co-ordinated. These functional aspects include production, finance and personnel. Environmental issues are an important consideration as well. The concept of the strategic business unit is used to define areas for consideration in a specific strategic market plan. Each strategic business unit (SBU) is a division, product line or other profit centre within a parent company. Each sells a distinct set of products to an identifiable group of customers, and each competes with a well defined set of competitors, Dibb et al. (2001). Each SBUs revenues, costs, investments and strategic plans can be separated and evaluated apart from those of the parent company. SBUs operate in a variety of markets, which have differing growth rates, opportunitie s, degrees of competition and profit making potential. HSBCs business units includes, personal financial services, consumer finance, commercial banking, corporate investment banking and markets, and finally, private banking. Strategic planners within the group therefore must recognise the different performance capabilities of each business unit and carefully allocate resources or strategically implement its business objectives in order to meet the companys long term goals. They must also ensure that the business units complement each other for the greater good of the overall business. The process of strategic market planning yields a marketing strategy that is the framework for a marketing plan. A marketing plan includes the framework and entire set of activities to be performed; it is the written document or blueprint for implementing and controlling an organisations marketing activities. Thus a strategic market plan is not the same as a marketing plan; it is a plan of all aspects of an organisations strategy in the marketplace, Dibb et al. (1996). A marketing plan, in contrast, deals primarily with implementing the marketing strategy as it relates to target markets and the marketing mix, Abell and Hammond (1979). To achieve its marketing objectives, an organisation must develop a marketing strategy, or a set of marketing strategies. The set of marketing strategies that are implemented and used at the same time is referred to as the organisations marketing programme. Most marketing programmes centre on a detailed marketing mix specification and include internal controls and procedures to ensure that they are implemented effectively. Through the process of strategic market planning, an organisation can develop marketing strategies that, when properly implemented and controlled, will contribute to the achievement of its marketing objectives and its overall goals. However, Harris (2002) argues that companies operating in the financial services market, particularly the big four retail banks (HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds TSB, and the Royal Bank of Scotland (with its acquisition of Natwest), primarily rely on generic marketing strategies. To formulate a marketing strategy, the marketer identifies and anal yses the target market and develops a marketing mix to satisfy individuals in that market. Marketing strategy is best formulated when it reflects the overall direction of the organisation and is co-ordinated with all the companys functional areas. The strategic market planning process is based on an analysis of the broader marketing environment, by which it is very much affected. Marketing environment forces such as legal forces, political forces, technological forces, economic and competitive forces, societal/green forces, and regulatory forces, can place constraints on an organisation and possibly influence its overall goals; they also affect the amount and type of resources that a business can acquire, Dibb et al (2001). They also do create favourable opportunities as well, such as internet banking in which HSBC and Merrill Lynch created an online banking and investment facility, which has proved profitable for both companys as a whole, Eppendorfer et al. (2002). Marketing enviro nment variables play a part in the creation of a marketing strategy. When environment variables affect an organisations overall goals, resources, opportunities or marketing objectives, they also affect its marketing strategies, which are based on the factors mentioned previously. They impact consumers needs, desires and they affect competitors plans. Now, according to Polito (2005), branding in the classic sense is all about creating unique identities and positions for products and services, hence distinguishing the offerings from competitors. Corporate branding employs the same methodology and toolbox used in product branding, but it also elevates the approach a step further into the board room, where additional issues around stakeholder relations (shareholders, media, competitors, governments and many others) can help the corporation benefit from a strong and well-managed corporate branding strategy. Not surprisingly, a strong and comprehensive corporate branding strategy requires a high level of personal attention and commitment from the CEO and the senior management to become fully effective and meet the objectives. Corporate branding is a serious undertaking that entails more skills and activities than just an updated glossy marketing facade with empty jargon. A strong corporate branding strategy can add significant value in terms of helping the entire corporation and the management team to implement the long-term vision, create unique positions in the market place of the company and its brands, and not the least to unlock the leadership potential within the organization. Hence a corporate branding strategy can enable the corporation to further leverage on its tangible and non-tangible assets leading to branding excellence throughout the corporation, Polito (2005). HSBC as stated in the latter has in recent years acquired a vast number of companies across the globe and adopted them fully under its international corporate brand with great success and within a surprising short timeframe. A strong brand is about building and maintaining strong perceptions in the minds of customers. This takes time to establish and many resources to keep, but eventually no one remembers what the local banks used to be called, and HSBC has managed to transfer the brand equities from the acquired brands into its own corporate brand equity. There are several benefits for employing a branding strategy that a corporation can exploit. First of all, a strong corporate brand is no less or more than the face of the business strategy, portraying what the corporation aims at doing and what it wants to be known for in the market place. The corporate brand is the overall umbrella for the corporations activities and encapsulates its vision, values, personality, positioning and image among many other dimensions. Think of HSBC, which has successfully implemented a stringent corporate branding strategy. HSBC employs the same common expression throughout the globe with a simple advertising strategy based on the slogan The worlds local bank. This creative platform enables the corporation to bridge between many cultural differences, and to portray many faces of the same strategy. Additionally, HSBCs brand name has enabled a number of key mergers and acquisitions (mentioned previously) around the globe, which has so far strengthened its market presence in the banking world, Brand Finance (2000). The Marketing Strategies of the HSBC Group 2005 Towards the end of 2003, HSBC launched Managing for Growth, a strategic plan that provides HSBC with a blueprint for growth and development during the next five years. The strategy is evolutionary, not revolutionary. It builds on HSBCs strengths and it addresses the areas where further improvement is considered both desirable and attainable. HSBC concentrates on growing earnings over the long term at a rate which will place it favourably when compared with its peer group. Also it focuses on investing in its delivery platforms, its technology, its people and its brand to support the future value of HSBC as reflected in its comparative stock market rating and total shareholder return (TSR). HSBC remains committed to benchmarking its performance by comparison with a peer group. Its core values are integral to its strategy, and communicating them to customers, shareholders and employees is deemed as intrinsic to the plan. These values comprise an emphasis on long-term, ethical client relationships; high productivity through teamwork; a confident and ambitious sense of excellence; being international in outlook and character; prudence; creativity and customer focused marketing. Under the managing for growth scheme, eight strategic imperatives were identified as the key marketing and business strategies for 2004 2008. They are: Brand: make HSBC and its hexagon symbol one of the worlds leading brands for customer experience and corporate social responsibility Personal Financial Services: drive growth in key markets and through appropriate channels to make HSBC the strongest global player in personal financial services Consumer Finance: extend the reach of this business to existing customers through a wider product range and penetrate new markets Commercial Banking: make the most of HSBCs international customer base through effective relationship management and improved product offerings in all the Groups markets Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets: accelerate growth by enhancing capital markets and advisory capabilities focused on client service in defined sectors where HSBC has critical relevance and strength Private Banking: serve the Groups highest value personal clients around the world People: attract, develop and motivate HSBCs people, rewarding success and rejecting mediocrity; and TSR: fulfil HSBCs TSR target by achieving strong competitive performances in earnings per share growth and efficiency. RESEARCH APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED Research Approach The research approach will be carried out using the positivist case research approach. According to Cavaye (1996), positivist epistemology tries to understand a social setting by identifying individual components of a phenomenon and explains the phenomenon in terms of constructs and relationships between constructs. The theoretical constructs describing the phenomenon are considered to be distinct from empirical reality. Hence, empirical observations can be used to test theory. This looks at the world as external and objective. Positivism employs four major research evaluation criteria: a good research should make controlled observations, should be able to be replicated, should be generalizable and should use formal logic. Under positivism, case research findings are not statistically generalizable to a population, as the case or cases cannot be considered representative of a population, however case research can claim theoretical generalizability. This will also include comparing, contrasting and critically evaluating past and present papers, articles, journals, and established theories that have been published on the subject matter. Methodology Employed Multiple-Case Study Design This project uses the multiple case study method in order to enable analysis of data across cases and relating it to the theoretical perspectives in the available literature of marketing strategy. This enables the researcher to verify that findings are not merely the result of idiosyncrasies of research setting (Miles and Huberman, 1984). According to Yin (2002), in such a method it is important to use: multiple sources of evidence. The appropriate number of cases depends, firstly, on how much is known about the phenomenon after studying a case and secondly, on how much new information is likely to emerge from studying further cases (Eisenhardt, 1991). This paper detailed analysis about the marketing strategies employed by HSBC, in comparison to its other major competitors, namely Barclays Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, and Citibank. Analysis of the marketing strategy of HSBC is evaluated with regard to the organisation meeting customer needs and requirements, advertising strategies and the need to increase its customer base and market share are all addressed. One wants to see if there are any matches with regard to the theoretical literature of marketing strategy and what the empirical evidence gathered says and also any mismatches. This also relates to the literature review. Qualitative Data Cavaye (1996) states that qualitative investigation refers to distilling meaning and understanding from a phenomenon and is not primarily concerned with measuring and quantification of the phenomenon. Direct and in-depth knowledge of a research setting are necessary to achieve contextual understanding. Hence, qualitative methods are associated with face-to-face contact with persons in the research setting, with verbal data (Van Mannen 1989) being gathered. Qualitative data can be collected in a number of forms. One major form of qualitative evidence is interviews, which may be recorded and later transcribed. Qualitative data are rich, full, holistic real their face validity seems unpeachable; they preserve chronological flow where that is important (Miles 1979). In spite of the abovementioned, qualitative data have weaknesses (Miles 1979; Miles and Huberman, 1984). Collecting and analysing data is time-consuming and demanding. In addition, data analysis is not easy, as qualitative data analysis methods are not well established. Recognised rules of logic can be applied to verbal data in order to make sense of the evidence and to formally analyse the data. Rubin and Rubin (1995) state that it is most desirable to disclose the identities of both the case and the individuals interviewed because, The reader is able to recall any other previous information he or she may have learned about the same case from previous research or other sources in reading and interpreting the case report. The entire case can be reviewed more readily, so that footnotes and citations can be checked, if necessary, and appropriate criticisms can be raised about the published case. Nevertheless, there are some occasions when anonymity is necessary. The most common rationale is that when the case study has been on a controversial topic, anonymity serves to protect the real case and its real participants. The second reason is that the issuance of the final case report may affect the subsequent actions of those that were studied. Quantitative Data This is concerned with measuring aspects of a market or the population of consumers making up the market. This includes soft approaches such as consumer attitudes as well as the hard things such as market size, brand shares, purchase frequencies etc. Quantitative data on a market or consumer group can be obtained through carrying out a census, obtaining the relevant measures from every single consumer or player in the market. In practice, research through a census collection is very rare; for one thing it is usually prohibitively expensive to obtain data from every individual (the government only carries out a population census once every 10 years) and even if the money is available the timescales involved are likely to be too long to meet commercial deadlines, Meier (1991). Furthermore, a census is unnecessary since the alternative; sampling can normally produce adequate and acceptably reliable data for a fraction of the cost. Quantitative research is, therefore, nearly always based on more or less rigorous sampling methods which have in common the assumption that the data from the samples can be taken to represent, within estimated levels of accuracy, the population or universe from which they are drawn, (Hague 2002). Types of Quantitative Data The range of information which can be and is collected through quantitative research is enormous if not infinite. In relation to deciding how data should be collected, all the possibilities can be categorised into a simple threefold classification: 1.Market measures 2.Customer profiles or segmentation 3.Attitudinal data. Market measures quantify and describe a market. Common examples include: market and sector size; shares of the market held by suppliers or brands; penetration levels (what proportion of all potential consumers own or buy a product); purchase and consumption frequencies; patterns of consumption and seasonality. Data of this type is very essential for any manager developing or reviewing a marketing plan for a company, product group or brand name like HSBCs hexagon logo. Market measures taken from a sample are generally projected or grossed up to the total market or population, e.g., the proportion of households in a sample found to be without a PC can be multiplied by available estimates of the number of total households to provide an indicator of untapped potential. A vital concern in the marketing of a product or service is knowing and understanding the potential customer base; what type of people or organisation are they? What other types of products or services do they own or use? What is required to meet this need is customer profiling or segmentation data and it is quantitative in nature because reliable breakdowns are needed for the whole market or population, Buck (1990). Hague (2002) argues that profiling data can take various forms: socio-demographics (age, sex, income and occupation group, education level, home tenure etc); geo-demographics; various business classifications such as company size, industry etc. for business to business research or it can relate to consumer behaviour (ownership of various products, purchase or usage levels, media exposure etc.). Unlike market measures, consumer profiling data can be collected only from consumers (including organisations in the case of business to business research) although the distribution or manufacturing levels in the market may also need profiling. Attitudinal data is used in a quite general sense to cover concepts such as awareness, perceptions, beliefs, evaluations, preferences and propensities. In other words they are, in their various forms, subjective and reside in the minds of individuals. Much market research under this is concerned with attitudes and attitude measurement because attitudes and your marketing may mould consumer choice in your favour. Attitudes are of course very much the subject of qualitative research which is often concerned to identify relevant dimensions and categories of attitudes. In quantitative research, the focus is on establishing the degree to which specific attitudes exist among the market and population. The most important tool for data collection under quantitative research is face to face interviewing. However, in situations where over a hundred firms need to be interviewed, due to the cost attached to carrying out such a task, doing a telephone interview would seem more appropriate. The methods used to record data and data analysis here, is predominantly through questionnaires. Most questionnaires used in quantitative research involve a predominance of pre-coded or closed questions and the layout of the response points can help to minimize problems of mis-recording. More problematical, however, is the recording of open-ended questions, such as why did you buy this product, then? This usually leads to a lengthy or rambling response from the individual, in which what is said is then summarized or abbreviated and there is no way of knowing whether what is recorded reasonably reflects the response given. In the case of this paper, due to the short deadline associated with writing this paper, one was only able to get a telephone interview (primary data collection method) from a senior manager of customer relationship management at one of HSBCs flagship branches in the London area. Additionally one has also used multiple sources of evidence, i.e. secondary sources of information, articles, journals, established theories, HSBCs annual report, comments by top management within the organisation are analysed and also the companys website are all used to evaluate and address the effectiveness of its use of market strategy to increase its market share and customer base. The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows, analysis of findings, overview of the marketing strategy, criticisms, summary and conclusion. ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS Central to achieving a companys corporate vision is the need to build up a loyal customer base of satisfied customers. HSBC did not overtake its major competitors by chance in acquiring foreign financial institutions; it developed a clear marketing strategy based on a desire to fully satisfy a carefully targeted set of market segments. As the BBC (2004) gathered, a quarter of HSBCs 2003 profits were made in the UK, and it made around  £70 profit per customer. Additionally, the bulk of its profits came from acquisitions elsewhere, US personal loan firm Household International and HSBC Mexico. Although Household International operates in the UK, HSBC says its British market accounts for less than 10% of this divisions profits. Market segmentation is at the core of robust marketing strategy development. This involves identifying customer needs, expectations, perceptions, and buying behaviour so as to group together homogeneous customers who will be satisfied and marketed to in a similar manner. One segment will differ from another in terms of customer profile and buying behaviour, and also with regard to the sales and marketing activity likely to satisfy these customers. Having sufficient knowledge of these customers is fundamental. It is important to remember that the process of market segmentation involves more than simply grouping customers into segments. Shrewd targeting of certain segments and the development of a clear brand positioning are part and parcel of the market segmentation process. Now, HSBC launched a marketing strategy called Managing for growth, which is to cover and deal with its strategic outlook for the period 2004 2008. From the company website, they have stated that they will deliver this by; focusing on enhancing HSBCs revenue generation culture, develop its brand name further (hexagon logo), manage costs strategically, maintain a prudent credit/market risk stance, and invest further in its people. Addition ally, acquisitions still remains an integral part of their strategy. As stated from the companys website, they will concentrate on growing earnings over the long term at a rate which will place it favourably when compared with its peer group. It will also focus on investing in its delivery platforms, its technology, its people and its brand to support
Saturday, July 20, 2019
J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings - Frodo Baggins as a Christ-Fi
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Frodo Baggins as a Christ-Figure J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings has delighted readers since its publication owing to its author's skillful development of his fantastic realm and its inhabitants adventures therein. In fact, Tolkien is rightly regarded as the father of the modern fantasy genre, and it often seems all fantasy imitates his work in some way. However, as readers return to the work, it often becomes apparent that the work is more than a simple escapist journey into an imaginary world; the work represents the finest traditions in literature and rich grounding in Tolkien's study of language and mythology. Equally surprising, though, Tolkien himself admits that the series is a "fundamentally religious and Catholic work†¦"[1] To the casual reader, Middle-Earth, the setting, seems a world devoid of religious practice, Christian or otherwise. Unsurprisingly, Tolkien added that the religious aspect about which he spoke appeared "unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision," and that "the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism."[2] Therefore, an investigation into probable sources of Christian symbolism leads to questions of characterization and its most obvious target: Frodo Baggins, a Christ-figure. The protagonist of the story, Frodo Baggins is a Hobbit, a small humanoid creature, short in stature and big in appetite. As soon as Tolkien introduces him in the first chapter, Frodo's status as a Christ figure emerges: "Anyway: there was this Mr. Frodo left an orphan and stranded," gossip Frodo's new neighbors when his uncle Bilbo adopts the him.[3] immediately, Frodo possesses two important characteristic of any Christ ... ...ery land of Mordor, conquering an evil which seems far greater than himself. In doing so, Frodo makes up for carelessness of the nations of Middle-Earth who in their sloth allowed the evil to rise up, despite forewarning of the danger. In all these things, there exist clear similarities with Christ who undertakes a similar goal, vanquishing the evil of sin from the world with total selflessness, compassion, and determination. In the end, Frodo admits admirably, "I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved†¦."[6] [1] Tolkien, J.R.R.. "To Robert Murray, S.J." 2 December 1953. The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. Ed. Humphrey Carpenter and Christopher Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1981) 172. [2] Ibid. [3] Tolkien, J.R.R.. The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1954) 31. [4] Ibid, 217. [5] Ibid, 309. [6] Ibid, 309.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The 904: Reflection Paper -- Crime
In 2005 Jacksonville gained the title of â€Å"Florida's murder capital†(Florida Times-Union, 2005; Murphy, 2005). According to the results of â€Å"The 904 Project†in 2011 Jacksonville still holds the title. According to Sherriff Rutherford during the time the study came out Jacksonville has shed that title (Patterson, 2011). Does Jacksonville hold the title or not? It depends on who you ask. In reflecting on what the 904 Project has brought us it is important to not only look at the results of the study, but also what we already know about media and the criminal justice system and what the study might have inadvertently illustrated about Jacksonville’s media, it’s leaders, and the crime problem itself. What research shows is that media and crime are intertwined and that there is an effect on the criminal justice system and its policies. Surette discusses the two tenets concerning criminal justice and the media. The first is the â€Å"backwards law†which states that anything the media portrays is in fact the opposite of what is really happening (2010, p. 182). He goes on to explain that this distortion is due to how news is presented in either an episodic format, the following of a single incident or case, or thematic format, a flowing of trends, and how both formats only show a small fraction of the reality (p. 183). The other is the â€Å"rule of immanent justice.†Surette defines immanent justice as â€Å"the belief that a divine higher power will intervene, and reveal and punish the guilty while protecting the innocent†(p. 186). He argues that the media perpetually illustrates that criminality is inborn and that society seeks immanent justice and supports crime fighters, such as police, in helping combat the issue of crime (pp. 186-187). While... ...e&db=edsbl&AN=RN066843348&site=eds-live Surette, R. (2010). Media, crime, and criminal justice: Images, realities, and policies Cengage Learning. Treen, D. (2006a, Girl's killing sparks pleas for an end to the violence community and city leaders discuss plans to stem the killings. Florida Times-Union, the (Jacksonville, FL), pp. A-1. Treen, D. (2006b, Murder rate on grand jury list shorstein says he has discussed it with panel. Florida Times-Union, the (Jacksonville, FL), pp. A-1. Treen, D. (2011, Results are in: Duval no longer murder capital miami-dade takes title as violent crimes in duval county down 19%. Florida Times-Union, the (Jacksonville, FL), pp. A-1. UNF Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice. (2011). No longer #1? Retrieved January, 2012, from
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