Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Answer this question in 2 pages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answer this question in 2 pages - Essay Example The further ability of the legal system to attempt to correct inequalities and illegalities that are exhibited within such a system are also severely constrained; as ultimately it is the employer that holds all the power to dismiss and fire an employee based on no reason given. Interestingly, there has been a great deal of study into the impacts of the â€Å"at-will†doctrine on the firing process and how this negatively or positively promotes the interests of the organization. However, there has been relatively little research done as to how this impacts upon the employee and whether or not they choose a specific company or region in which to work. Ultimately, it is the view of this student that the â€Å"at-will†doctrine, in application, provides for a decreased sense of employee security; and likely encourages them to look for other more secure opportunities elsewhere. Has this doctrine been eroded over the last 30 years or so years and if so, what has caused the erosion? The doctrine has ultimately been a road partially abuse is so here’s the reason for this has to do with the litigation and societal understanding that individual employers are attempting to game to sit benefiting from it. However, as more and more stringent legal controls have been established and the â€Å"at will†doctrine has been adopted by more and more states, the ultimate situation which is been affected is one in which the utility options available. Essentially, business has attempted to move towards states that represent the â€Å"at– will†doctrine; in the hopes that this will be able to maximize the overall level of profitability and success that they might otherwise achieved elsewhere. As a result of this dynamic shift, firms are of course interested in seeking to promote profitability; leveraging loopholes in the legal framework and interpretation of employment law as a means of promoting their own interest. Necessarily illegal or wrong, it h as had a
Monday, October 28, 2019
Nutritional knowledge Essay Example for Free
Nutritional knowledge Essay Discussion (guide 2000) The results on knowing the meaning of BMI, it has been shown through the Chi-square test that there is no significant relationship between being obese and knowledge of this item. The same results were yielded for knowledge of fibre-rich food, recommended daily intake of fruits, and recommended daily intake of breads and cereals, which also had insignificant results in the Chi-square. The knowledge items which yielded a significant result in the Chi-square include recommended intake for various sources and reading labels. Health Behaviours Examining the t-test results, most health behaviours prove to be significant. On the number of glasses consumed daily, the normal weight group had a higher average, indicating greater consumption. On the consideration of health in choice of food, there is no significant difference between the two groups. The same trend is observed on the time of taking supper. For time of sleeping, the obese group seems to sleep at a later time. Moreover, the normal weight group has a higher frequency of exercise sessions. The obese group also has more frequent intake of meals; crisps; sweets, chocolate or desert; sweetie beverages; low calorie drinks; instant noodles; and deep fried food. No such difference was noted between the two groups for frequency of eating snacks. The present study does suggest significant differences in the knowledge, lifestyles, and behaviours of normal and obese samples. This suggests that cognition, affect, and behaviour are meaningfully interlinked and that one affects the other.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Damage Humans Cause Exploiting the Earth for Their Own Conveniences
The Damage Humans Cause Exploiting the Earth for Their Own Conveniences As humans continually exploit the earth for their own conveniences they become increasingly aware of the damage they cause. In the last 30 years the population has begun to notice just how serious the problem is and as a result great efforts have been put into amending the environment from our technological follies. Since the use of fossil fuels causes 70% of the earth's air pollution it's only logical that the human race must restrict the use of oil (Exploring Alternative Fuels) One of the main reason that fossil fuels are extracted from the earth is to provide oil for the propulsion of transportation vehicles. Scientist and researchers realized that oil is unnecessary to power ground transportation vehicles such as cars and trucks. In fact electricity is just as effective for propelling vehicles as gasoline is. Due to "the major concern of air quality, energy diversity, and the innovations of the automobile industry" electric vehicles began to be researched and produced (Electric V ehicle Report). Electric vehicles are now becoming the future of the transportation because they secure a long-term answer to the problem of fueling and they greatly reduce the earth's air pollution. The most viable options to replacing gas-powered vehicles are the three different forms of electric powered automobiles; hybrid, solar and fuel cell. Although electric vehicles were not recently invented most of their development has occurred in the last 15 years and with the application of modern technologies, developers have enabled electric vehicles to be powerful and cost efficient, without causing harm to the environment (Information on Electric Cars). Electric vehicles have had a relatively long history compared to most transportation devices. The first known electric automobile was a small model built by Professor Strtingh in 1835 in the Duct City of Groningen. This car, however, was extremely impractical because of its expense and the short life of the battery. The first practic al electric vehicle to be built was a small automobile that was produced in the United States by Thomas Davenport. Thomas made great improvements to his electric automobile, reducing its cost, and implicating a battery with a longer life span and greater power. Even with these improvements Davenport's electric automobile was not... .... Online. AOL. 27 Jan. 1999. "Electric Vehicles and Activities". Triangle E.A.A. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998. "Electric Vehicles as a Viable Means of Transportation". Sacramento E.V.A. online. AOL. 5 Dec. 1998. "Electrically Powered Vehicle Rallies". Electra America. online. AOL. 5 Dec. 1998. "Exploring Alternative Fuels". Global E.A.A. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998. "Home Built Electric Vehicles". Japan Electric Vehicle Club. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998. "Industrial Efforts for Applying Electric Drives to Military and Commercial Vehicles". Mid Atlantic Consortium for Advanced Vehicles. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998. "Information on Electric Cars". Southern Coalition for Advanced Transportation. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998. "National Gas Vehicles". IANGV. online. AOL. 5 Dec. 1998 "Oil Market is Becoming Unstable". Clean Environment Association. Online. AOL. 27 Jan. 1999. "Oil Shocks Will be felt globally". World Economy Statistics. Online. AOL. 27 Jan. 1999. "Renewable Fuel". Government Solar Testing. Online. AOL. 27 Jan. 1999. "Small Electric Cars for Access to Mass Transit Stations". National Station Car Association. Online. AOL. 13 Dec. 1998.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Narrative Essay :: My Grandpa
"Hello," I stated as I hopped through the door to my grandparent's home without even a knock. My grandma looked up from the book she was reading in her cozy corner chair, "Well, hello there" "Where is grandpa?" I asked as I leaned down to brush my lips across the soft wrinkled cheek of my elderly grandma. "Who's there?" a familiar deep, rough voice sounded from the next room. Smiling I skipped through the kitchen and into a long dimly lit room filled with bookcases, couches, a dining room table and a grand piano. My grandpa, across the room, was surrounded by music stands and piles of sheet music. His trusty violin was in one hand and the long wooden bow with the horse hair strings, that I was always warned never to touch, was in the other. As I walked toward the figure across the room, I noticed his full head of snowy white hair glowing in the dark room. Over his short stocky body hung a green dress shirt and a fuzzy cardigan sweater. He wore slacks held up awkwardly by a belt allowing his small potbelly to hang over it. His face hardly showed the years of worry and stress, but his white bushy eyebrows and growing second chin showed his old age. His smile greeted me. As I drew close to him, his aging arms reached out and wrapped around my body pulling me into a warm loving hug. As he released me from the hug, I said, "Grandpa, I learned a new song I want you to hear." I plopped down on the hard piano bench, and my fingers flowed over the keys. My foot pumped the cold pedal, and the room was magically filled with tones, one after another slowly warming the room. Looking up at my grandfather's soft, blue eyes I saw him crack a smile and nod with encouragement. Soon his violin found its way to its familiar spot between my grandpa's shoulder and his unshaven chin. He swayed slightly as his arm moved the bow across the strings of the violin producing a harmony to the melody I was performing. With a long last note, we both dropped our hands to our sides allowing the music, which had just filled the room with its thick tone, to abruptly end. The room was left in a dead silence, frozen for a brief period of time, as we recovered from the intensity of the piece.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
India Unity Essay
India is land of variety. There is great variety in variety of aspects. The languages, lifestyles, religions, habits, geography, climates, cultures might be different but still they unite us into an invisible frame, the frame of Indianism. Diversity is there in every aspect of India, a land that encloses 1,222,559 sq. meters of land and is home to more than one billion people. As such stats imply, there ought to be diversity, but this does not always imply that there are differences. Rather, India is a land where in spite of so much of diversity, there is still unity. Be it the joining of hands for a mission or against it, Indians have always shows great unity. There have also been instances where people have fought against each other for some reason or the other but such cases do break out in all countries, so India being a niche of such diversity can be excused for once! India won’t be India if not for this diversity. If India means Kanchivaram sadi then India also means Pashmina shawl. If India means extreme hot climate of the south India, then India also means the snow covered mountains of the north India. If India means the desert of Rajasthan then India also means the highest rainfall grounds of Assam! Such diversity is also found in the school of minds, where one stands for the motion, another stands against it. This means an added advantage, because while one is looking at the positive aspects of a side, other is hunting for the counterpart negatives. The diversity of India has a great edge over the plain unanimously joint countries! It might be speculated that is just another starry eyed optimist opinion, but then if we didn’t differ wouldn’t we be non-Indians
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
HISTORY AND OBJECTIVES OF TAX LAW essays Tax Law in our country is as old as the constitution itself and the history of taxes in this land goes back to the days of British colonial rule. One thing, which must be remembered, is that tax law id directly connected with government revenues. Higher the taxes, greater the revenues. For this reason, taxes are used as a good source of government's income. Revenue collection is usually the most important purpose behind the imposition of a new tax or increase in the present ones. However revenue collection is not the sole objective even though it is certainly the most important one. There are other reasons for which taxes are either increased or decreased. Tax law is actually one of the very few fiscal measures that government has to control the financial markets. Apart from its main objective, which is revenue for the government, taxes also help in controlling economic activity in the country and are often used by the government to control the flow of money in the markets. During the colonial days, when British rulers needed money for their war with France, taxes were levied on poor colonies, which did not enjoy any representation in the government. This led to the famous no taxation without representation' debate. After the American Revolution, the country had no deferral taxes for some time since the central government did not have the power to levy taxes. Each state was autonomous and was seen as a separate sovereign power that could levy the taxes according to the needs of their respective governments. Since there was no clear constitution for more than a decade after the independence, federal tax law was non-existent and only state taxes existed. However after the adoption of Constitution in 1789, federal government became more powerful as the Constitution recognized its right to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, pay the Debts and ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Glass Menagerie-Characterization and symbolism in Tennessee Williams play.
The Glass Menagerie-Characterization and symbolism in Tennessee Williams play. People have a certain way of thinking, feeling, and reacting that is known as human nature. In everyday life many actions, however unintentional, give clues to our personal agendas. Insecurities, especially, have a way of showing their presence through gestures, eye contact (or lack thereof), and verbal utterings. In "The Glass Menagerie", Tennessee Williams utilizes intense characterizations to illustrate the specific traits of his various fictional personas.In the mother, Amanda, the reader sees an aging Southern belle who is so afraid of the farewell bow of her youth that she tries to live vicariously through her daughter. She repeatedly tells wistful stories of her days as "belle of the ball", almost as if she says the words enough she can regain her past. She is a harpy, a personality product evident in many people whose lives have taken an unexpected downward spiral. While her demeanor suggests displeasure with the actions of those around her, in actuality it is evidence of her displeasure with her own choices and life path.English: Last Will and Testament of Tennessee Will...People who live in the past tend to feel that if they can just get back there again, for even one fleeting moment, they can erase mistakes and begin anew. Amanda is to be pitied more than disliked, for anyone con-sumed with that much self-regret is inflicting punishment enough upon him or herself.Tom is overwhelmed by his responsibilities for the care of his mother and sister. He is angry with his father for leaving a son in this position while feeling that he has done nothing to deserve this fate. He writes to escape the realities of his existence and to rage against the fates (his father) that have done this to him. He has been patient for a very long time, but that patience is...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Famous Quotes of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Famous Quotes of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus) was a respected Roman Emperor (161–180 CE), a philosopher-king who was the last of Romes so-called Five Good Emperors. His death in 180 was regarded as the end of the Pax Romana and the beginning of instability that led over time to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The reign of Marcus Aurelius is said to have symbolized the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. Known for a Rule of Reason He engaged in a number of wars and military operations aimed at quelling restive neighbors and in a costly and obsessive campaign to extend Romes northern borders. He was not best known for his military acumen, though, but for his thoughtful nature and a rule governed by reason. During his years of military campaigns, he recorded his day-to-day, discursive, fragmentary political thoughts in Greek in untitled writings that came to be known as his 12-volume Meditations. Revered for His Stoic Thoughts in Meditations Many revere this work as one of the worlds greatest works of philosophy and a significant contribution to the modern understanding of ancient Stoicism. He practiced Stoicism and his writings reflect this philosophy of service and duty, finding balance, and reaching a state of stability and composure in the face of conflict by following nature as inspiration. But it seems his fragmentary, discursive, epigrammatic thoughts, though revered, were not original, but a reflection of the moral tenets of Stoicism, which the slave and philosopher Epictetus had taught him. Notable Quotes From the Works of Marcus Aurelius A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea that is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires. Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live. Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise. Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. Begin. To begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished. Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web. Death is a release from the impressions of the senses, and from desires that make us their puppets, and from the vagaries of the mind, and from the hard service of the flesh. Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so. Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last. Forward, as occasion offers. Never look round to see whether any shall note it...Be satisfied with success in even the smallest matter, and think that even such a result is no trifle. He who fears death either fears the loss of sensation or a different kind of sensation. But if thou shalt have no sensation, neither wilt thou feel any harm; and if thou shalt acquire another kind of sensation, thou wilt be a different kind of living being and thou wilt not cease to live. It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. Let it be your constant method to look into the design of peoples actions and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself. Let men see, let them know a real man, who lives as he was meant to live. Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too. Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Natures delight. Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear. Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul. Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things that are and to make new things like them. Perhaps there are none more lazy, or more truly ignorant, than your everlasting readers. Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts. The act of dying is one of the acts of life. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle. The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it. There are three classes into which all the women past 70 that ever I knew were to be divided: 1. That dear old soul; 2. That old woman; 3. That old witch. Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this, too, will be swept away. We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Where a man can live, he can also live well. You have power over your mind- not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Your life is what your thoughts make it.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Summary of pepsi conduct(only page#4) Assignment
Summary of pepsi conduct(only page#4) - Assignment Example These are to be safeguarded and maintained in a secure status ensuring prevention of unauthorized access to the system through sharing one’s passwords and through reproduction of licensed soft wares owned by the company. Should any stakeholder suspect any violations of the Code, or if any situation warrants closer evaluation due to possible violations of any state or federal law, is encouraged to report the matter immediately to the Human Resources Department or to a PepsiCo Speak up Line stipulated therein. Anyone reporting an incident suspected to be a violation of the Code is promised confidentiality of matter. Likewise, anyone proven to have retaliated against the person who exercised one’s rights under the Code would be subject to appropriate remedial action. Those found to have violated the provisions of the Code and any applicable law would be subject to legal proceedings. Finally, the employees are expected to conform to the conditions of the Code and managers are enjoined to serve as role models, manifesting compliance to ethical standards and exemplifying morals of good conduct. Should there remain some issues that need to be resolved, everyone is encouraged to seek the advice of one’s Human Resources manager or the PepsiCo Law Department to address one’s
Friday, October 18, 2019
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Research Paper
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - Research Paper Example They have not been as effective as they should have been. According to Lawrence Fennelly and Timothy Crowe (2013), arguably, for the past 180 years criminology has failed to deal effectively with crimes because of its limitedness. The main focus of conventional criminology is on the criminal event, the criminal and the victim, it doesn’t incorporate other factors. All other factors like psychological, legal, social, biological and political theories revolve around the criminal/offender. The other myth surrounding the whole crime investigation is that human beings by nature are criminals, it is something inherent, only an opportunity is required (Fennelly & Crowe, 2013). CPTED stands out from conventional crime prevention measures because it emphasizes more on human activity than on actions. Law enforcement agencies, security and crime prevention organizations find CPTED to be more helpful than other processes as they help more in preventing crimes as well as improve the quality of life and achieve the objectives of human activity (Fennelly & Crowe, 2013). Oscar Newman and Jeffery C. Ray are considered somewhat of an authority when it comes to discussing crime prevention. Newman published his first book, Defensible Space, in 1966 and gave unorthodox methods for crime prevention by making the environment safer. He focused mainly on residential areas. Ray published his book in 1971, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and agreed with Newman’s work in its core theory. There is a unison found in both the works of Oscar Newman and Jeffery C. Ray. Ray’s (1971) published work on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design introduced to the world a new way of looking at the world of crime. Jeffery took a step further than Newman as he shifted the focus and spread it on nonresidential areas too such as schools. By incorporating behavioral learning theory, Jeffery argued that removing crime
If Only Film Analysis Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
If Only Film Analysis - Movie Review Example Samantha portrays literal non-listening when Ian tells her that he loves her. Shesimplysayssheloves him too while also stressing to the fact that it is raining and thus missing out on the point that Ian tries to put forward. In the scene, Ian wants to confess his love for Samantha including the history of his love and how much she meant to him, but her nonlistening made her miss the point. In the film, the method used to manage the Ian and Samantha conflict is Collaboration. Sam and Ian are in a conflict when Ian blows away a student of Samantha and their relationship almost boils over. Upon realizing his mistake, Ian follows Sam (who runs away crying) begging for forgiveness. The method is very effective as Sam sees clearly that Ian’s apology is from the heart.The dynamics of self-disclosure is clear when the couple undergoes the integration stage. When having drinks, Ian reveals a secret that Sam was never going to know from anyone but Ian. Ian reveals that his father died n ine years ago from the then-present day from alcoholism as a result of losing his beloved job. Sam replies by telling him that he was too young to save his father and wherever his father was, he was proud of him. The only type/level of relational de-escalation shown in the movie is differentiating and circumscribing. Ian and Samantha are involved in a conflict when Ian blows of a student of Samantha. After explaining her frustration, Samantha gets furious and leaves crying and furious but Ian.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Rhetorical Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Rhetorical Argument - Essay Example Lamar provides suggestions on how a 3-year college degree is efficient in terms of educational and cost. On the other hand, the authors of What’s College for Anyway give similar sentiments. The authors believe that college time should be reduced but they have been keen to point out international students who might be required to take a little longer due to language barrier and acclimatization reasons. James Altucher the author of Skip Diploma, 8 alternatives to college begins with a story on how he used his college fee to buy a car only to return the car and join a college. He regrets this decision and cites reasons such as costs of education and time consumed in college as his reasons for regret. He therefore does not want other students to go through what he went through and provides them with 8 alternatives for college. Ironically, he gives reasons such as travelling around, creating an art, make people laugh, write a book as some of his alternatives. Jacques Steinberg is t he author of Plan B, Skip College. He reviews some of the professors and University presidents regarding this issue. ... The paper reviews their thoughts and offers analytical recommendation and conclusion regarding their debates. Thesis Statement There has been a lot of controversy regarding the time college students should spend in colleges and in the universities. There has also been a major concern regarding the quality of education in American colleges and Universities. Moreover, many critics believe that a four years education career at the university or the college is so expensive. Most of the scholars argue against the traditional 4 years and thinks that this time should be reduced to 3 years. I believe that college and university time should be reduced to three years instead of the traditional and fixed four years. Will this provide America with the fresh, energetic and skilled labor that it is lacking? Skip the Diploma According to the author of Skip the Diploma: 8 alternatives to college, James Altucher, attending college has made him regret his life. He gives 8 alternatives for attaining a diploma in a college. It is quite challenging to realize that most of the scholars are against attending colleges and give options for business as a way of living (James Altucher). The US government has been struggling with a shortage of skilled labor for quite a long time and the country depends on foreign labor in order to meet its demands. For this reason, questions have been raised on whether to shorten colleges and university duration in order to meet this demand. President Obama recently gave a proposal of an extended education a view, which has not been received well and has been criticized by most scholars and policy makers in the US. There have been concerns about the quality of education US has been producing. US is one of the economic giants in the world and
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 424
Assignment Example They search talent and make sure the right companies consume it the right way. Menasa and Partners has its values and norms. They have a highly passionate staff who is interested and keen in the future of their candidates and clients. Before appointing a recruitment partner there are several areas where the staff ponders over. They look for the staff who is interested in the company. Moreover, they would also highlight the consultants who provide the best advice. The company`s culture and market value are also fully highlighted. The staff of Menasa and Partners is well experienced and well aware of the National Recruitment Standards and Companignes. They understand the market value and know how to attract candidates. These Recruitment Compaigned are essential. They are responsible for locating individuals to the best available geography where they can excel. Menasa and Partners respect both public and private organizations. They keep note of the national and international standards. Talented candidates from Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman and Bahrain are located where they are needed best. Companies all over the world are in need for the perfect vacancy. Instead of going through hundreds of CVs and carrying out interviews, the companies convey Menasa and Partners their requirements. The staff of Menasa and Partners, works adequately to look for the right people needed for a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Rhetorical Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Rhetorical Argument - Essay Example Lamar provides suggestions on how a 3-year college degree is efficient in terms of educational and cost. On the other hand, the authors of What’s College for Anyway give similar sentiments. The authors believe that college time should be reduced but they have been keen to point out international students who might be required to take a little longer due to language barrier and acclimatization reasons. James Altucher the author of Skip Diploma, 8 alternatives to college begins with a story on how he used his college fee to buy a car only to return the car and join a college. He regrets this decision and cites reasons such as costs of education and time consumed in college as his reasons for regret. He therefore does not want other students to go through what he went through and provides them with 8 alternatives for college. Ironically, he gives reasons such as travelling around, creating an art, make people laugh, write a book as some of his alternatives. Jacques Steinberg is t he author of Plan B, Skip College. He reviews some of the professors and University presidents regarding this issue. ... The paper reviews their thoughts and offers analytical recommendation and conclusion regarding their debates. Thesis Statement There has been a lot of controversy regarding the time college students should spend in colleges and in the universities. There has also been a major concern regarding the quality of education in American colleges and Universities. Moreover, many critics believe that a four years education career at the university or the college is so expensive. Most of the scholars argue against the traditional 4 years and thinks that this time should be reduced to 3 years. I believe that college and university time should be reduced to three years instead of the traditional and fixed four years. Will this provide America with the fresh, energetic and skilled labor that it is lacking? Skip the Diploma According to the author of Skip the Diploma: 8 alternatives to college, James Altucher, attending college has made him regret his life. He gives 8 alternatives for attaining a diploma in a college. It is quite challenging to realize that most of the scholars are against attending colleges and give options for business as a way of living (James Altucher). The US government has been struggling with a shortage of skilled labor for quite a long time and the country depends on foreign labor in order to meet its demands. For this reason, questions have been raised on whether to shorten colleges and university duration in order to meet this demand. President Obama recently gave a proposal of an extended education a view, which has not been received well and has been criticized by most scholars and policy makers in the US. There have been concerns about the quality of education US has been producing. US is one of the economic giants in the world and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Aging and Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Aging and Addiction - Essay Example ccording to Hasin & Grant (1997), the impact which consumption of drugs or alcohol can have on the mental and physical well being of a person, especially the older one includes mental problems, liver and kidney diseases, and wounds from falls. Dependence on drugs or alcohol in the older people also takes place even if they have never had an addiction problem before. If used appropriately, drugs and other chemical substances can be very helpful for one’s mental and physical well being. For instance, if consumed moderately, alcohol possess the substance which may provide cardiac benefits, moreover, it can also be used for the purpose of providing mental and physical relaxation and also for the purpose of diminishing nervousness. The issue in this regard is that the abuse of drugs and medications, whether illegal and legal, including tobacco and alcohol, has become an extensively grave issue in the older population (Hubbard & Racholl, 1989). Many older ones consume various kinds of medications on daily basis, however, by consuming these drugs, they can cause harm to their mental and physical health, and for instance, when consumed with alcohol, drugs can cause some severe health issues. Often it happens that the older ones consider the adverse impacts of drugs abuse as usual symptoms of aging, which in actual are not. There are various kinds of drugs, which require the body to consume higher doses of that particular drug for the [purpose of realizing the original effect of that particular drug, and once the effect of such drugs are vanished then the consumer may feel withdrawal symptoms. This drug phenomenon is known as drug tolerance, which indicates that the drug forces your body to experience change in these ways. There are some kinds of drugs, which if consumed even in small doses, can generate a hazardous desire for more. Moreover, often it happens that a drug when prescribed, initially was a beneficial drug, b ut becomes a dangerous drug when consumed with
How to Become a Straight a Student Essay Example for Free
How to Become a Straight a Student Essay Introduction â€Å"My friends always wondered why I was never in the library, but instead in the student center socializing, or at a party, or at an event. They said I made it ‘all look so easy. ’†Anna, a straight-A college student This is not your average college study guide. Unlike the titles next to it on the shelf, none of the advice presented here was devised by professors or self-proclaimed academic skills experts. I promise that you won’t find any mention of the Cornell note-taking method, mental map diagrams, or any other â€Å"optimal learning technique†crafted in an office or laboratoryâ€â€environments far removed from the realities of typical college life. Instead, this book revealsâ€â€for the first timeâ€â€the study habits used by real straight-A college students. All of the advice that follows was distilled from a series of interviews I conducted with a large group of top-scoring undergraduates. These participants were drawn predominantly from the Phi Beta Kappa rolls of some of the country’s most rigorous colleges and universitiesâ€â€including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Amherst, and Skidmoreâ€â€and they were carefully chosen to represent a wide variety of academic concentrations. In each interview, I asked the student to detail his or her study habits. The questions ranged from the general (â€Å"How do you defeat the urge to procrastinate? †) to the specific (â€Å"What techniques or systems do you use to locate and organize sources for a research paper? †). If the questionnaire revealed the student to be a grindâ€â€someone who earns high grades simply by studying an excessive amountâ€â€I discarded the responses. I was interested only in students who improved their grades through smarter, more efficient study skillsâ€â€not through longer hours and more painful study sessions. How did I know such students existed? I am one of them. When I arrived as a freshman at Dartmouth College, I had no idea how to prepare for exams or write college-level papers. Like most students, I left high school believing that to study meant to reread your class notes and assignments as many times as possible and that paper writing required you to sit down in front of your computer and start typing until you finished. The problem, however, is that college is not high school. The material to be mastered is much more complicated and the professors have higher expectations. In the college environment, simple brute force study methods can end up requiring a lot of time and causing a lot of pain. Nevertheless, most students still rely on them. And this is why they find themselves regularly pulling all-nighters and developing an antagonistic attitude toward their courses. The taxing effects and spotty success of these methods also underlie the common belief that only geniuses and grinds can score top grades. When I first entered college, I shared in these beliefs. But soon I became dubious. It didn’t take long for me to decide that there had to be a better way to learn the material. The results of my studying using simple techniques varied widelyâ€â€I’d spend all night hacking away at an essay and end up scoring a B-, or give what I thought was a frantic last-minute review for a quiz and score an A. I constantly felt like I was behind in my reading, and there always seemed to be new deadlines on the horizon that I had to scramble to meet. It was truly a chaotic existence. But when I looked around, all of my friends seemed to be having the same experienceâ€â€and none of them seemed willing to question it. This didn’t sit right with me. I wasn’t content to work in long, painful stretches and then earn only slightly above-average grades for my efforts. I wanted to be exceptional. And I wanted to achieve this without having to sacrifice sleep or my social life. To many students, such a goal may sound hopelessly hubristic. But I’m an optimist by nature, and, observing the sorry state of my current study skills, I was convinced that I could do better. It took me most of my freshman year to construct, through repeated experimentation, a toolbox of sufficiently improved study habits. But once I had perfected them, the results were profound. Of the thirty-six courses I took between my sophomore and senior years of college, I scored exactly one A- and 35 perfect As. The most stunning piece of this transformation, however, was how much less time I had to spend on studying. As my strategies became more refined, the hours required were reduced. By my senior year it got to the point where, during finals periods, I would sometimes pretend to be heading off to the library just so I wouldn’t demoralize my roommates, who were preparing for yet another grim all-nighter. What was my secret? Efficiency. The simple truth is that the brute force techniques used by most students are incredibly inefficient. When it comes to exam preparation, passive review is not an effective way to learn complicated concepts. It’s also mentally draining, which further diminishes the rate at which you can absorb and internalize information. For paper writing, this same problem holds. When you approach the task without proper preparation, it becomes incredibly tiring and you can end up spinning your wheels. After a while, even the formation of coherent sentences becomes difficult and time intensive. In contrast, the techniques I came up with were so streamlined that I could learn more material than my classmates and actually spend less time studying. By eliminating stupid habits and wasted effort, I transformed exam prep and paper writing from a dreaded chore to a targeted activity. For a while, I was convinced that I was unique for having discovered such a smart approach to learning. But, alas, this illusion was soon shattered. It occurred during the winter of my senior year, when I was attending a ceremony celebrating my induction, along with thirty other classmates, into Phi Beta Kappa. This group represented, more or less, the thirty students with the highest G. P. A. s out of my class of over a thousand. Accordingly, I had arrived at the venue prepared to spend the evening with some serious nerds. As it turns out, however, I was in for a surprise. Upon walking through the door that night, I was immediately struck by how many of the other students I knew socially. These were people who, given their level of visibility on campus, I never would have imagined were scoring straight As. They were magazine editors, frat boys, and crunchy environmentalists. I knew them from parties and campus clubs and through mutual friends. They were, for the most part, normal, well-rounded, and interestingâ€â€not at all the type of super-grind one might assume would occupy such an elite level of academic achievement. The lesson of that night was obvious: Perhaps I was not, in fact, as unique as I had first imagined. Maybe there were others out there who had discovered similar secrets to academic success. The writer instincts in me soon took over. Fascinated to know exactly how these seemingly normal students had done so well, I sent all of my fellow Phi Beta Kappas a survey about their study habits. Most were happy to share their methods and I quickly confirmed that my suspicions were true. Not only were many of them using innovative, homegrown study strategies, but many of these strategies were surprisingly similar to those that I had developed during the previous few years. At the time I had just finished editing the manuscript for my first book, How to Win at College, so I wasn’t exactly eager to get started right away with another massive writing project. But after seeing these initial survey responses, I knew I had stumbled onto something big. While most college students toil arduously through the study and paper-writing processes, there exists an elite group of undergrads who have discovered unconventional strategies for earning much higher grades in much less time. I wanted to share these secrets with other students, and thus the idea for this book was born. Soon I was sending out more questionnaires to more straight-A students at colleges around the country, until I gathered enough responses, from students with enough different backgrounds and majors, to distill the advice presented in this guide. In the pages that follow, you will discover the details of these often surprising study strategies. I’ve included examples and case studies throughout the book to demonstrate how to apply the advice in many different reallife academic situations. You will learn how to: †¢ Manage your time and deal with the urge to procrastinate. †¢ Take targeted notes in class. †¢ Handle reading assignments and problem sets with ease. †¢ Prepare efficiently for exams. †¢ Master the art of exam-taking. †¢ Write incisive critical analysis essays. †¢ Conduct thorough research. †¢ Write standout term papers. Remember, this advice comes from real students and was honed, through trial and error, in real college classrooms. This distinction is important. It’s what separates this book from the many existing study guides that sit next to it on the bookstore shelf. As mentioned, most study guides are written either by professors or academic skills experts, many years separated from their own college experience. The result is that the authors of these guides are disconnected from the realities of undergraduate life. For example, How to Study, by college professors Allan Mundsack, James Deese, and Ellin K. Deese, suggests that students wake up at 7 A. M. each morning, go to sleep by 11 P. M. each night, and on many days schedule only a single hour of â€Å"recreation,†with the rest of the time dedicated to attending class, eating, or working. One gets the feeling that these professors haven’t spent much time socializing with students lately. Even their plan for Fridayâ€â€the biggest party night of the weekâ€â€has the student working until 10 P. M. , taking a one-hour break, then turning in by eleven. Student Success Secrets, written by Eric Jensen, a learning expert and professional public speaker, offers equally out-of-touch suggestions. His tips to help you remember concepts learned from a reading assignment include â€Å"put it in a picture or posterâ€â€use intense colors,†â€Å"act out the material or do a fun role play in your own room,†or â€Å"create or redo a song; make a rap. †Just try to imagine a sophisticated liberal arts major attempting to make a rap about her recent reading assignment concerning post-structuralist interpretations of pre-Victorian English literature! (Key question: What word rhymes with â€Å"Foucault†? ) The granddaddy of all unrealistic study guides, however, just might be What Smart Students Know, by Princeton Review cofounder Adam Robinson. In this best-selling guide, Robinson suggestsâ€â€and I swear I am not making this upâ€â€that students approach a reading assignment as a twelve-step process! That’s right, twelve separate steps. Before you even crack the actual assignment, Robinson suggests that you jot down questions about the importance of the reading and then take notes on what you know about the topic, what it reminds you of, and what you want to learn. He then asks you, among other things, to read the assignment a total of three separate times, write and then rewrite your notes, represent the information in picture form, construct â€Å"question charts,†and devise mnemonics to help you memorize the concepts. Needless to say, this approach to a simple reading assignment is humorously unrealistic. I even did a little math. For a typical college-level liberal arts course, a student might be assigned an average of two hundred pages of reading a week. In his book, Robinson provides a one-page sample reading and describes twenty-three different questions that students might ask about it. At this rate of twenty-three questions per page, spending thirty seconds on each query, we would end up spending around forty hours a week (i. e. , a full-time job’s worth of time) simply completing one of the twelve steps on the reading assignments for just one class. Sounds like a great plan! These examples highlight the simple truth that the advice in most existing study guidesâ€â€written by â€Å"experts,†not studentsâ€â€is often impractical and time consuming. How to Become a Straight-A Student, on the other hand, is the first guide based on the experiences of real college students, and it was written to provide an alternative to the other titles on the market. In the pages that follow, you will find homegrown strategies that are compatible with the demands of your day-to-day student life. They may not be as elaborate as the intricate systems devised by the â€Å"experts,†but they’re easy to implementâ€â€and they get the job done. Best of all, when you start putting these strategies into practice, you will experience immediate results. Keep in mind: If you find a piece of advice that doesn’t quite fit your needs or circumstances, that’s okay. In fact, you should expect this. Each of the students I interviewed for this book had his or her own unique take on the best way to study. Follow their lead and, when stuck, experiment. Replace techniques you don’t like with ones that seem better. If these new techniques work, keep them; if they fail, replace them with something else. The key to improving your grades without becoming a grind cannot be found in any single study habit. It is, instead, rooted in the big picture decision to reject rote review once and for all and begin the flexible search for strategies that work better for you. Above all, remember that college is a multifaceted experience, of which grades are just one of many important pieces. It’s my hope that this book will help you painlessly conquer this one piece so you can have more time and energy to explore all of the othersâ€â€the friends, the unburdened idealism, the heroic beer consumptionâ€â€that make these four years so rich. A common complaint I hear from students is that they never seem to have enough time to finish all of their work. They vent about how many hours they spendâ€â€late nights reviewing in the library, weekends sacrificed to paper writingâ€â€but no matter how hard they try, there always seems to be something else due. As Matthew, a straight-A student from Brown, explains, it’s easy for college students to become â€Å"stuck in a state of permanent catch-up. †Understandably, these students feel like they have reached their academic limit; they believe that unless they forgo sleep or any semblance of a social life, there are simply not enough hours in the day to stay on top of all their schoolwork. Let’s start by getting one thing clear: This belief is false. The problem here is not the amount of available hours, but rather how each hour is spent. I know this from firsthand experience. While researching this book, I spent time with some of the country’s most accomplished students, and I can assure you that no matter how diligent you think you are, there is a Rhodes scholar out there who fits in three times the amount of work and activities you do and probably still manages to party harder than you would ever dare. I don’t mean to imply that everyone should aim to become a drunken Rhodes scholar (though it would certainly be fun to try); rather, my point is that a surprising amount of work, relaxation, and socializing can be extracted from a single twelve-hour day. A lack of time, therefore, isn’t enough to explain why so many students feel overwhelmed. So what does explain this phenomenon? The answer, as it turns out, has much more to do with how we work than what we’re trying to accomplish. As humans, our minds have evolved to prefer short-term tasks such as â€Å"run away from that lion†or â€Å"eat food. †Therefore, when you walk into the library on a Sunday morning with the goal of finishing all of your homework and writing a paper, your brain isn’t happy. The idea of spending eight consecutive hours trapped in a study carrel is dispiriting. Plus, it’s hard to focus for that long, so pretty soon fatigue will set in, your concentration will wander, and every distraction will suddenly seem impossibly appealing. Before you know it, the day will be over and you’ll realize that you haven’t accomplished much productive work at all. The next day, new assignments will pile onto those you didn’t finish on Sunday, and the tedious process starts all over again. Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term â€Å"pseudo-working†to describe this common approach to studying. The pseudo-worker looks and feels like someone who is working hardâ€â€he or she spends a long time in the library and is not afraid to push on late into the nightâ€â€but, because of a lack of focus and concentration, doesn’t actually accomplish much. This bad habit is endemic on most college campuses. For example, at Dartmouth there was a section of the main library that was open twenty-four hours a day, and the students I used to see in there late at night huddled in groups, gulping coffee and griping about their hardships, were definitely pseudo-working. The roommate who flips through her chemistry notes on the couch while watching TV is pseudo-working. The guy who brings three meals, a blanket, and six-pack of Red Bull to the study lounge in preparation for an all-day paper-writing marathon is also pseudo-working. By placing themselves in distracting environments and insisting on working in long tedious stretches, these students are crippling their brain’s ability to think clearly and efficiently accomplish the task at hand. The result is fatigue headaches and lackluster outcomes. The bigger problem here is that most students don’t even realize that they’re pseudo-working. To them pseudo-work is workâ€â€it’s how they’ve always done it, and it’s how all of their friends do it. It never crosses their mind that there might be a better way. Straight-A students, on the other hand, know all about pseudo-work. They fear it, and for good reason. It not only wastes time, but it’s also mentally draining. There is just no way to be wellbalanced, happy, and academically successful if you’re regularly burning through your free hours in long, painful stretches of inefficient studying. The students I interviewed for this book emphasized again and again the importance of avoiding this trap. In fact, when asked what one skill was most important in becoming a non-grind straight-A student, most of them cited the ability to get work done quickly and with a minimum of wasted effort. So how do these students achieve this goal? A big part of the solution is timingâ€â€they gain efficiency by compressing work into focused bursts. To understand the power of this approach, consider the following simple formula: work accomplished = time spent x intensity of focus Pseudo-work features a very low intensity of focus. Therefore, to accomplish something by pseudo-working, you need to spend a lot of time. The straight-A approach, on the other hand, maximizes intensity in order to minimize time. For example, let’s rank intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the most intense). Assume it takes ten hours to finish studying for a test by pseudo-working with a low intensity score of 3. According to our formula, this same amount of work can be accomplished in only three one-hour bursts, each with an intensity of 10. The work that took you all day Sunday to complete could instead be finished by studying an hour after breakfast, an hour after lunch, and an hour after dinnerâ€â€the rest of the day being free for you to relax! With this formula in mind, you can begin to understand why many straight-A students actually study less than their classmates: They replace long, low-intensity stretches of work with a small number of short, high-intensity sessions. Of course, this is not the whole story behind their success; what straight-A students actually do in these short bursts is also crucialâ€â€technique is just as important as timing. Part Two (Quizzes and Exams) and Part Three (Essays and Papers) of this book are dedicated to these technical details. But learning how to follow an efficient schedule, and banishing pseudo-work from your college experience for good, is a crucial first step toward your academic overhaul. To accomplish this transformation, however, you will need to gain control over your lifestyleâ€â€and that’s often no small task. For example, you will need to spread out the intense work sessions so that you have time in between to recharge. This requires basic time-management skills. You’re also going to have to overcome your urge to procrastinate, because scheduling your work is meaningless if you don’t actually work in the time you set aside. This requires self-motivation. Finally, to obtain the highest possible levels of intensity, you need to choose the right locations, times of day, and durations to study. If you aren’t careful about how you select these three factors, you can unintentionally sabotage your ability to focus. This requires a smart planning strategy. Part One will teach you how to satisfy these requirements. It begins with the presentation of a simple timemanagement system, customized for the busy college lifestyle. Don’t be frightened, the system is incredibly lightweightâ€â€it’s designed to require only five minutes a day of planning and can survive periods of neglect. Part One then continues with a collection of battle-tested strategies to help you fight procrastination. This advice comes straight from the experiences of real students and has been proven to work amid the chaos and distractions of the typical undergraduate lifestyleâ€â€it is simple, easy to apply, and surprisingly effective. This part concludes with a discussion of when during the day, where on campus, and for how long to study to maximize your productivity. The students interviewed for this book experimented extensively to find the right answers to these key questions, and, in this final step, I pass these answers on to you. Together, these basic skills are the foundation upon which all the advice in this book is built. Without them, you’ll be unable to implement the specific study techniques described in the parts that follow. Master them, however, and you will experience improvements in all aspects of your lifeâ€â€not just grades. You’ll have more free time, you’ll get the sleep you crave, you’ll party harder, and you’ll be able to devote more energy to your extracurricular interests. So relax. You are about to take your first step toward a much more enjoyable and productive college experience. Step 1. Manage Your Time in Five Minutes a Day Real straight-A students, like most reasonable students, hate time management. After all, college is supposed to be about intellectual curiosity, making new friends, and becoming obsessed with needlessly complicated drinking games. An overwhelming interest in time management is best left to harried business executives (or, perhaps, premeds). At the same time, however, you can’t abandon all attempts to keep tabs on your schedule. As mentioned in the introduction to Part One, all of the techniques described in this book require some ability to control your schedule. Ignore this skill, and you doom yourself to four long years of playing catch-up with your work. As Doris, a straight-A student from Harvard, states: â€Å"Time management is criticalâ€â€it’s a skill that you absolutely must develop over the course of your time at college. †Most students, however, misunderstand the purpose of time managementâ€â€they believe it’s used only to cram as much work as possible into the day. But this is not the main motivation behind controlling your schedule. As it turns out, a little planning goes a long way toward reducing your daily stress levels. Having deadlines and obligations floating around in your mind is exhaustingâ€â€it makes it impossible to completely relax, and, over time, can lead you down the path toward a breakdown. However, once you figure out what work needs to be done and when, it’s like a weight being lifted from your shoulders. The uncertainty vanishes: When you work, you can fully concentrate on the assignment in front of you, and when you relax, you can do so without any anxiety. â€Å"I don’t believe in giving up anything,†says Jenna, a straight-A student from Princeton. â€Å"Not my social life, not my extracurricular activities, not my academic success. †Basic control over your schedule breeds balance. This is why time management, as Doris stated earlier, is the key to getting the most out of all aspects of your college experience. The goal of Step #1 is to present a time-management system that helps you achieve this stress-free balance without requiring you to sacrifice the spontaneity and excitement of college. Specifically, we present a system tailored to the typical undergraduate lifestyle that meets the following criteria: 1. Requires no more than five to ten minutes of effort in a single twenty-four-hour period. 2. Doesn’t force an unchangeable minute-by-minute schedule on your day. 3. Helps you remember, plan, and complete important tasks before the very last moment. 4. Can be quickly restarted after periods of neglect. We will cover the details of this system in a few simple steps and then conclude with a detailed case study so you can see how it works in a realistic setting. What You Need This system requires two pieces of equipment. 1. A calendar: It doesn’t matter what type of calendar, and it’s not something that you have to carry around with you. It can be Microsoft Outlook or iCal on your computer, a cheap day planner, or one of those advertisement-laden freebies they hand out at orientation. It just has to be something that you can reference every morning that has enough space to record at least a dozen items for each day. 2. A list: Some piece of writing material that you can update throughout the day. This you do have to carry around with you, so make it something simple, like a sheet of paper ripped out of a notebook each morning. The Basic Idea Record all of your to-dos and deadlines on your calendar. This becomes your master schedule, the one place that stores everything you need to do. The key to our system, however, is that you need to deal with your calendar only once every twenty-four hours. Each morning, you look at it to figure out what you should try to finish that day. Then, throughout the day, whenever you encounter a new to-do or deadline, simply jot it down on your list. The next morning, you can transfer this new stuff from your list onto your calendar, where it’s safe. And we’re back where we started. That’s it. Pretty simple, right? The whole system can be summarized in three easy steps: (1) Jot down new tasks and assignments on your list during the day; (2) next morning, transfer these new items from your list onto your calendar; and (3) then take a couple of minutes to plan your day. Now, we’ll examine these steps in a little more detail. In particular, we need some strategies for how to plan your day each morning using your calendar and what to do when unexpected events interfere and turn that plan upside down (trust me, this will happen more often than not). Update Your Calendar Each Morning This is where the magic happens. Every morning, spend a few minutes to update your calendar and figure out what you should try to accomplish. This is the only serious time-management thinking you have to do for the whole day, so the demand is pretty reasonable. This updating process should proceed as follows: Find your list from the day before. It will probably look something like the example described in Figure 1. Don’t worry too much about how this list is formatted; we will discuss that shortly. For now, focus on the â€Å"things to remember†column, which contains the new to-dos and deadlines that were jotted down throughout the day. Figure 1. Sample List Tuesdayâ€â€1/24/06 Today’s Schedule †¢ 10:00 to 12:00 Econ class †¢ 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch with Rob †¢ 1:00 to 1:45 Government reading †¢ 2:00 to 4:00 Government class †¢ 4:00 to 5:30 Finish government reading. †¢ 5:30 to 6:30 Start French essay Things to Remember †¢ Econ study group, Thur. at 9 P. M. †¢ French quiz moved to Friday. †¢ Laundry †¢ Start researching summer internship opportunities. Transfer these new items onto your calendar. Write the deadlines on the appropriate dates, and write the todos on the days when you plan to complete them. Following the example of our sample list, you would first jot down the econ study group time under Thursday’s date and the French quiz under Friday’s date. You would then choose a day to do laundry and jot down a reminder under that date, and choose a day to start internship research and jot down a reminder under this date . You can move these items around on your calendar as many times as you want, so don’t worry too much about which date you initially choose for a new to-do. However, try to use some common sense. For example, if Wednesday afternoon and evening are packed with meetings and work, this might not be the best day to schedule doing your laundry. Similarly, if you have a big test Monday morning, don’t schedule a lot of annoying errands for Sunday; you’ll need your concentration for studying. If something is not especially time sensitive, such as the internship research example from above, don’t be afraid to put it on a day far in the future, at a point when you know you will be less busyâ€â€such as right after midterms or at the beginning of a new semester. Next, move the to-dos that you planned for yesterday, but didn’t complete, to new days on your calendar. In our sample list from Figure 1, the Today’s Schedule column describes to-dos planned from the day before. As you can see, in this example, all the to-dos were completed except the â€Å"Start French essay†task, so you would need to move this task to a new date. At this point, your calendar once again holds everything that you need to get done. Now it’s time to figure out your plan for the current day. Go ahead and trash yesterday’s listâ€â€it’s served its purposeâ€â€and grab a fresh sheet of paper to use as today’s list. Divide it into two columns, as shown in Figure 1, and label them Today’s Schedule and Things to Remember, respectively. Next, look at the calendar entry for the current day. It will probably contain a handful of appointments and todos. Your goal is to figure out how much of this work you can realistically accomplish. You might be tempted to simply copy all of these tasks into your Today’s Schedule column and then treat it as a simple to-do list for the day. Don’t do this! If you want to avoid getting overwhelmed by your work, you need to be smarter about your time. Here is what you should do instead: Try to label each of your to-dos for the day with a specific time period during which you are going to complete it. Be honest. Don’t record that you are going to study for three hours starting at three if you know that you have a meeting at five. And be reasonable about how long things really takeâ€â€don’t plan to read two hundred pages in one hour. For simplicity, group many little tasks (errands that take less than ten minutes) into one big block (for example: â€Å"10:00 to 10:45â€â€mail letter, return library book, buy new deodorant, fill out transcript request form at registrar†). Leave plenty of time for breaks. Give yourself an hour for meals, not twenty minutes. And, if possible, end your day at an appropriate hour; don’t try to fit in work right up until sleep time because you need to be able to unwind and relax. In generalâ€â€though it may seem counterintuitiveâ€â€be pessimistic. The truth is: Things will come up. Don’t assume that every hour that looks free in the morning will stay free throughout the day. Remember, the goal here is not to squeeze everything into one day at all costs, but rather to find out how many of the tasks listed for the day you actually have time to accomplish. If you can’t fit all the to-dos into your schedule for the day, no problem! Simply move the remaining items onto the calendar entries for future dates. You can deal with them later. Your final step is to record the tasks you will have time for into the Today’s Schedule column of your list. As shown in Figure 1, label each task with its time. That’s it. You can now reference your list throughout the day to remind yourself of what you should be doing and when. But here’s the important point: The specific times on your schedule aren’t set in stoneâ€â€they’re more of a suggestion. As we will discuss shortly, you will be free to move tasks around throughout the day, depending on your energy level and unexpected events that may arise.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Importance Of Recruiting Proper Employees Tourism Essay
The Importance Of Recruiting Proper Employees Tourism Essay 1. Introduction: In todays competitive hotel and resort industry in china, the delivery of consistent quality service is imperative to success. As we all know, the hotel service starts with employees. They represent the human side of the brand; they are also the personality and face of a hotel. It is often these employees who create the most compelling points of differentiation between one hotel and another. Every hotel want to recruit the proper and excellent employee, so the hotel management must anticipate changes in the hospitability industry environment to ensure that people who are recruited have the unique skills, know-how, values required by the hotels strategic business objectives and proper for the position. Efforts to recruit proper employees have evolved to meet the growing demands of the industry and expectations of guests. We can also find that many hotel companies have begun treating employee recruitment with the same level of importance they would a consumer branding campaign, portray ing emotion-based messages to potential employees the way an image marketing campaign might be used to generate interest among potential guests. Instead of the traditional recruitment effort, hotels and resorts are using different kinds of ways to recruit proper employees, such as colorful full-page ads in lifestyle magazines, witty dialogue in radio advertising and dramatic visuals on outdoor billboards to attract the best of the best. This is no doubt a large investment, but when a hotel is looking to find the highest quality people to bring their brand to life and deliver its promise on a daily basis, the investment is nothing short of critical. It is evident that if the quality of services rendered is ensured, the benefits that the hotel enterprises reap will be substantial, first and foremost, in terms of customer satisfaction and consequently in terms of an increase in customers, financial gains, prestige and reputation. 2. Importance of recruiting proper employees More and more hotels attach importance to recruit proper employees, because that recruitment is a form of economic competition, one hotel competes with each other to identify, attract and employee qualified human resources. investment in HR practices impacts on the processes of creating customer value; through the attraction, selection and retention of high quality employees, providing appropriate skills.( AgustÄ ±Ã‚ ´n Quintana-De ´niz, 2007)It means that recruitment is a key marketing tool for hotel seeking competitive edge.The way in which the recruitment process is handled affects the hotels image as an employer, in turn, its ability to attract qualified people, so the HR department in hotel must ensure that applicants do not receive misleading or inaccurate information. Failure in this task can create unrealistic expectations among candidates. In turn, this may produce job dissatisfaction, lower commitment and high turnover. Recruitment begins identifying HR requirements and ends with receiving applications. It involves determining where qualified applicants can be found and choosing a specific means of attracting potential employees to the hotel, it immediately precedes the selection process and involves attracting qualified and interested candidates from either inside or outside who have the capacity to generate a sustainable competitive advantage for the hotel and to be effective, recruitment must satisfy the needs of the candidate as well as the needs of the hotel. You have to tell candidates what you have to offer as well as finding out what they can offer you The point here, however, is that recruitment and selection practices should reflect actual expected occupational standards and overall management philosophies. It also indicates the current use of recruitment practices in Chinese hotels. More use of appropriate applicant testing schemes, site tours and probationary periods may yield considerable benefits to potential employers. Innovativ e sources and recruitment practices will ensure value-added recruits who are already oriented to the demands and opportunities of a career within the hotel industry. 3. Recruiting problems in Chinese hotel It is a common knowledge that hospitality front-line employees frequently encounter demanding and difficult customers. Although it is not a pleasant experience, Hospitality service agents are often required to be polite and smile in front of the customers. (Hyun Jeong Kim, 2008) As a long time in China, many people consider that hospitality work is perceived as a servile, it means that in peoples eyes hospitality work is dirty, low skilled, low paid and therefore as capable of attracting only the young, women or the marginal in society , but now many people change their attitude among the hospitality work, especially the staff where work in some international 5-star hotel particularly may carry with it a high status, because the 5-star hotel need high-quality staff that willing to help people and project genuine smiles, they also should have professional hospitality skill and good communication skill. The fact is that more and more 5-star hotels need high-quality employees to join them, but the proper employees are very limited. If a hotel can not recruit proper employees for different department, it will impact the quality of services and r aising the turnover rate, because the employee who is not proper for their job will be stress at work. In general, work-related stress has been shown to result in declines in the quality of employee job performance (Gilboa et al., 2008) that is costly for organizations because it contributes to expensive voluntary turnover, (Villanueva and Djurkovic, 2009). Recent research has found that employee stress in the hospitality industry is important because it can result in work- ers becoming exhausted and cynical (Kim, 2008) which can have negative effects on service delivery. It is no doubt that is not good for hotel operating and competing with other hotels. 4. Preparing for recruiting proper employees If a hotel wants to recruit proper employee, they must do some good preparing for recruitment. The development of a proactive strategy and approach needs to be supported and backed by the organizations key decision makers and should be highlighted in company documents such as the mission statement or company values declaration.(Stefan Groschl,2007) Strategic recruitment does this by linking recruiting activities to the organizations business objectives and culture. Proper planning also helps hotel operators draft strategies to cope with the ever-changing HR demand, to improve training and to enhance the quality of human resources (Noe, 2008) Before the recruitment, HR department must communicate with line managers carefully and clearly, because line managers play an important part in recruitment process, the line managers know their departments very clearly and roundly, they can identify recruitment need, so they should help HR ensure what kinds of staffs are proper. After that deter mining number and type of jobs to be filled and match HR supply with job opening. The job analysis is also very important part; the HR people must analyze the attractive and unattractive features of the job first, the HR also should collect job information include job description (such as job title, duties and circumstances responsibilities, relationships, know-how, accountability, authority, special) and job specification(such as experience, qualifications, skills, abilities knowledge, personal qualities, special requirements) .More clearly and carefully prepare for recruiting , more effectively the recruitment results will appear. Preparing also can help HR determine which recruitment method they will choose. 5. Choosing a right recruitment method for hotel After preparing for recruitment, HR must choose a recruitment method. Regardless of whether recruitment is done internally or externally, effective planning and strategizing are essential to the success of the process. The hotel needs to know that it has the right employees with the right skills in the right places at the right time. 5.1 Internal recruitment If a hotel decides to hire permanent employees, the first critical question it needs to address is whether to recruit internally or externally. Recruiting from the current employee pool can benefit the hotel in a numbers of ways. The hotel already has performance dada on employees. The qualifications of internal candidates are already well known to the employer. The chance has been afforded to observe the applicants working performance, skills and capabilities, ability to get along with others and fit with the hotel. In addition, employees feel that the hotel is trying to provide them with promotional and development opportunities in reward for their performance and loyalty. Nevertheless, managements perceptions of an employee are likely to be more accurate, thus providing a better prediction of success than information gained about external candidates. Human resources department constitute an enormous investment for most hotels and it makes economic sense to try to improve the retur n on this investment by making full use of the abilities of existing employees. Finally, current employees know the hotel, its culture, politics and customers and have already established relationships with partners and thus require less orientation and training. Consequently, they need far less formal or informal socialization time than those hired form the outside. Internal recruitment is often much faster and far less expensive than going outside of the hotel for applicants Although internal recruiting has advantages, this approach also has some disadvantages. Internal recruitment can become very political and competitive, particularly when coworkers apply for the same position. Dysfunctional conflict may result and collegiality and interpersonal relationships can be strained, they may be promoted beyond their level of competence. In addition that, those employees not selected for the position can suffer from diminished morale and performance, particularly when they feel equally or better qualified than the candidate selected. The hotel can become inbred through excessive internal recruitment. Continuing to promote from within can encourage maintaining the status quo. A hotel need to improve organizational processes should usually recruit from outside. Finally, excessive internal recruitment can cause inefficiency by creating multiple vacancies. As this promotion chain continues down the hierarchy, an initial vacancy could spur promotions for a large nu mber of people. Nearly all employees require a certain period of time to learn a new job. Even when an employee has worked in the hotel for several years, a new position requires adjusting to new responsibilities and redefining interpersonal relationships with coworkers. Internal recruiting can exacerbate this effect by creating a large number of employees having new positions. Until these employees gain the level of competence that their predecessors had and sufficiently redefine their working relationships, inefficiency will result. In this method of internal recruiting, supervisors could choose an individual whose work capabilities are well known to them. The other way most commonly used approach to internal recruitment is job posting. Internal recruitment not only has its advantages but also disadvantages. It is probably best utilized when the hotel pursues a strategy related to stability, faces few major threats from its external environment, and is concerned with maintaining the status quo relative to its operating system. When time or money is limited, internal recruitment can be beneficial, as well. 5.2 External recruitment A hotels human resources department can use various approaches to locate and attract external candidates, often looking to more than one source. To choose an approach, the HR manager must know which recruitment channel is likely to be most successful in targeting a particular labor group. An electrician, a computer specialist and a general manager will each have their own preferred recruitment channels. Not surprisingly, the advantages of external recruitment are consistent with the disadvantages of internal recruitment. External recruitment facilitates change and tends to be more useful for hotels with volatile external environments. External recruitment can allow expanding its knowledge base beyond that of its existing employees and bringing in new ideas and viewpoints; external recruits are not bound by existing ways of thinking or doing things. Outside employees are not members of existing cliques. They can bring a fresh approach to problems that have plagued the hotel. At the senior level, candidates are often recruited for their history of bringing about high-level change in other hotels. External recruiting, however, can be expensive and time-consuming. Employees from outside the hotels will often need a longer socialization period to know the hotels cultures, services, coworkers and customers, they adjustment and orientation takes longer. External recruits are also unknown entities in that hotel has no experience working with them. Although an applicant may have outstanding skills, training or experience in and may have past success in another hotel, those factors do not guarantee similar success with a new hotel or an ability to fit with a new hotels culture. Finally, external recruiting can have detrimental effects on the morale of those employees who have applied for the job internally, but have not been selected. A variety of methods can be used to recruit candidates externally, such as employee referrals, applicant-initiated recruitment, help-wanted advertisements, public employment agencies, private employment agencies, executive search firms, campus recruitin g and online recruiting. Furthermore, Web-based recruiting is not limited to external applicants but can also be used to attract current employees. For instance, job openings can be posted on an organizations intranet in order to announce opportunities for current employees to move into an e-service position.( Karen,2008)The choice of an external recruitment method depends on the circumstances surrounding the recruitment situation. 6. Interviewing Choosing a right recruiting method is not enough to recruit proper employees for a hotel; it also needs a comprehensive and impersonal interviewing. It is no doubt that interviewing is a vital selection tool to ensure the candidate whether is proper for the position. Interviewers should include HR professionals, the manager of viable candidates and upper-level manager. Interviewing applicants involves making subjective assessments of each applicants qualifications for a job. It is easy to find that more and more group interviewing are used now, group interviewing allows different interviewers to contrast and compare their interpretations of the same interview information. Consequently, this type interviewing often helps overcome many of errors that individual interviewers might make, it also can save time for the hotel and applicant, but they often involve creating a less personal atmosphere for applicants. Sometimes group interviewing may make it more difficult for interviewers to g et a sense of the applicants interpersonal style. In more recent years, however, a growing interest among strategy researchers has emphasized the importance of behavioral explanations to strategy development. ( Baker M. Ayoun, 2008)If you work in a five-star hotel, good behavior is very important for your career. The hotel management also pays more attention to that, so in recent years, behavioral interviewing has become increasingly popular, which involve determining whether an applicants anticipated behavior in a variety of situations scenarios posed in interview question with experienced applicants as well as with those who have limited professional hospitality working experience, because that interviewers will ask some situations that the candidates will face on their jobs in the future. Thus, new templates of organizing for the hotel industry seemed to evolve over time.(Pà ¤iviKarhunen,2008)Before the behavioral interviewing, the interviewers must determine the most important behavioral characteristics required for given a job , it is very important for choosing proper employees form the candidates, because these can be identified by examining the key traits displayed by high performing incumbents. The hotel management can use this interviewing to looks for the candidates problem-solving ability, interpersonal communication style, decision making ability and problem analysis ability. If interviews are structured, the interviewers should pay attention that all candidates are asked the same questions and are given the same chance to respond and explain their views, it becomes easier to compare applicant responses to identical questions. If interviews are unstructured, the questions can be flexible. The hotel can choose the style of interviews depends on what kinds of people you will recruit, if you interview a job that require creativity ability, such as marketing job, the interviewers may choose less structured or unstructured interviews. On the other hand, attitude, self-efficacy and subjective norm were related to behavioral intention of adopting IT (Terry Lam, 2007 ) It is meaningful for asking candidates to describe their behaviors or actions they have taken in specific situations, it can help HR and line managers to estimate and ensure whether he or she is proper employee for this department in hotel. It also can assist the hotel in determining the fit between the applicants and hotels culture and processes. The interviewers should also pay attention that Candidates are just as interested in making the right decision as the client; they want as much information as possible, they want to feel welcomed when they interview, and they want to know they will be properly supported if they accept the position(Karen K. Kirby,2008) 7. Testing If a hotel wants to ensure whether the employee is proper for his position, testing is very important part .The needs of the hotel and job structure include specific responsibilities, interpersonal relationships with others and so forth will determine whether any or all of the following should be assessed: technical skills, interpersonal skills, personality traits, problem-solving abilities or any other job-related performance indicators. The key variable that should influence testing is job requirements. Any testing that is not specifically job-related could be legally challenged, particularly if adverse impact can be shown. The timing of testing can depend on hotels, traditionally, testing has been conducted after the interviewing and screening process due to the expense of testing and time required scoring and evaluating test results. However, some hotels are now testing earlier in the selection process because costs involved with interviewing often exceed the costs of testing. Clearly, it makes sense for an employer to use more cost-effective screening earlier in the selection process. Perhaps the most useful types of tests are work sample and trainability. Work sample is similar as on-job testing, it involve giving the applicant a representative sample of work that would be part of the job and asking the individual to complete it. These tests are useful when the management needs employees who will be able to perform job responsibilities from the first day of employment. Trainability tests measure an applicants aptitude and ability to understand critical components of the job that the company may be willing to teach once the employee is hired. They are useful when the management needs some familiarity with the nature of the work but seeks to train the new employee in the hotels way to do right things. 8. Summary After the explain in this article, you can find out how important to recruit the proper employees for 5-star hotels, only have the high-quality staff, the assessment and expectations of hotel will keep on the high level and compete with other hotels. So before the recruitment, HR people should communicate with line managers comprehensively to identify recruitment needs. HR also need do some other preparing such as job description and job specification. After preparing for recruiting well, HR should choose the recruitment method depends on the situation, no matter choosing internal recruitment or external recruitment, the HR needs to ensure that it has the right employees with the right skills in the right places at the right time. If hotel wants to recruit proper employees, only well preparing and choosing right recruitment method is not enough, it also need a comprehensive interviewing and testing. Management should pay attention to using behavioral interviewing, because those inter viewers will ask some situations that the candidates will face on their jobs in the future, the interviewers will determine whether the candidates have the most important behavioral characteristics required for given a job. Management also can use some testing to identify whether the applicant is proper for the position. 9. Conclusion As the hotel industry is labor intensive, its products and services rely to a great degree on people, which amount to a huge proportion of overall costs. (Lin Lin, Jeou-ShyanHorng, Yi-ChenChen, Chang-YenTsai, 2010) It is also widely accepted that the quality of services offered by Hotel personnel and the resulting customer satisfaction are key to the survival and success of Hotel units. In addition, it is very important that the assessment and expectations of hotel directors regarding the quality of services extended to their customers as well as the hotel personnel available be considered and understood in order to ensure that these expectations are met at the desired level. Especially in China, hospitality industry is developing faster and faster, more and more foreigners come to china to visit or have a business trip, so Chinese hospitality industry need lots of high-quality staffs, but in fact, the hospitality professionals are very limited, so hotel management should pay attenti on to recruit proper employees that with the right skills in the right places at the right time, so HR should do some well preparing for recruitment and choose the right recruitment method. While HR and management are interviewing and testing, they should focuses on candidates behavioral interviewing to identify whether they have the most important behavioral characteristics required for given a job. All in all, hotel should try their best to ensure the employees they recruit are proper for their job, and work as the professionals. Therefore, enhancing the quality of employees is a must in the hospitality industry (Collins, 2007)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Sales
Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman   Willy Loman, the title character of the play, Death of Salesman, exhibits all the characteristics of a modern tragic hero. This essay will support this thesis by drawing on examples from Medea by Euripedes, Poetics by Aristotle, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, and Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, while comments by Moss, Gordon, and Nourse reinforce the thesis.            Death of Salesman, by Arthur Miller, fits the characteristics of classic tragedy. ?.... this is, first of all, a play about a man's death. And tragedy has from the beginning dealt with this awesome experience, regarding it as significant and moving.? (Nourse). The first defining point of a tragedy is the hero. The traits for a tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle in Poetics, are social rank, hamartia, ability to arouse pity, peripeteia, hubris, and anagnorisis. Will Loman's classification as a tragic hero has been debated because he lacks the high social rank and nobility to be considered so. Arthur Miller chose to argue this, however, by stating that Willy Loman was ?a very brave spirit who cannot settle for but must pursue his dream of himself to the end,? (Moss, 27) reasserting the character of a modern hero as noble, not in position ... ... Twayne Publishers, 1967. Nourse, Joan T. Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman' and 'All My Sons.' New York, 1965. Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Elements of Literature. Ed. Edwina McMahon et al. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1997. Sophocles. "Oedipus Rex." Elements of Literature. Ed. Robert Scholes, Nancy Comley, Carl H. Klaus, and David Staines. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990. 714-757. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991. Clinton W. Trowbridge, "Arthur Miller: Between Pathos and Tragedy," Arthur Miller, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House, 1987) Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Sales Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman   Willy Loman, the title character of the play, Death of Salesman, exhibits all the characteristics of a modern tragic hero. This essay will support this thesis by drawing on examples from Medea by Euripedes, Poetics by Aristotle, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, and Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, while comments by Moss, Gordon, and Nourse reinforce the thesis.            Death of Salesman, by Arthur Miller, fits the characteristics of classic tragedy. ?.... this is, first of all, a play about a man's death. And tragedy has from the beginning dealt with this awesome experience, regarding it as significant and moving.? (Nourse). The first defining point of a tragedy is the hero. The traits for a tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle in Poetics, are social rank, hamartia, ability to arouse pity, peripeteia, hubris, and anagnorisis. Will Loman's classification as a tragic hero has been debated because he lacks the high social rank and nobility to be considered so. Arthur Miller chose to argue this, however, by stating that Willy Loman was ?a very brave spirit who cannot settle for but must pursue his dream of himself to the end,? (Moss, 27) reasserting the character of a modern hero as noble, not in position ... ... Twayne Publishers, 1967. Nourse, Joan T. Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman' and 'All My Sons.' New York, 1965. Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Elements of Literature. Ed. Edwina McMahon et al. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1997. Sophocles. "Oedipus Rex." Elements of Literature. Ed. Robert Scholes, Nancy Comley, Carl H. Klaus, and David Staines. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990. 714-757. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991. Clinton W. Trowbridge, "Arthur Miller: Between Pathos and Tragedy," Arthur Miller, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House, 1987)
Friday, October 11, 2019
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