Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Opinion Essay Samples - Tips For Better Writing
Opinion Essay Samples - Tips For Better WritingOpinion essay samples can be a great source of inspiration and tips for improving your writing. It is important to note that the opinion of another person is not necessarily the same as yours, even though they have used the same writing method, a different perspective and a different point of view.Essays are often misunderstood, in order to ensure that the opinions of others will serve as an authoritative set of writings. Essay samples are written from a personal point of view, rather than being dispassionate accounts of actual experiences. You can be more objective about what you write by following some steps in essay samples.At the outset, you should ask yourself if you can write on your own. If you cannot, then you should seek help from someone who is experienced in writing. You will benefit greatly if you include your own voice and opinion in the essay sample, rather than the opinion of others. If you are self-motivated, you will be less likely to let your opinion get in the way of your writing.Ensure that your writing has its own voice and approach. Never become overly concerned with editing your essay sample. Try to retain as much of your own voice as possible. However, if you do edit the sample, keep it to a minimum. Essay samples are meant to be fun, and you don't want to find yourself making corrections just to please the editor.All opinion essay samples can be informative and entertaining. If you want to impress the editor, don't worry about being too clever. You can still write cleverly, while also using humor to capture the reader's attention. Your goal should be to capture the writer's viewpoint while making a point that is familiar to you.Of course, you need to state any necessary caveats in the opinion essay samples. However, ensure that you include it on the first paragraph, so that the reader can be certain that they understand what you are trying to say.The final stage of your essay should be an e xcellent conclusion. Make sure that you create the best one you can in this section, and you will surely improve your opinion writing skills.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Cheating As A Way Of Life - 879 Words
Cheating is known as a way of life for some individuals in this day and age. There are various types of cheating, for instance, in academics, relationships, or in the work place. Deceiving is too often accepted nowadays and it is not seen as an insult or a sin. Is cheating approved, as there is less religion and morals in the world? Consequently, few people have never cheated in their lives in any aspect of growth. Cheating has become extra common in relationships and academic institutions as a result of high scholastic standards, laziness, and absent virtues. Cheating is always wrong, however, everyone still performs it. It has become a vast deal too apparent today. Remarkably, abounding activities pass as cheating present-day. Whether it is in school, work, sports, relationships, or just life in general, cheating is frequent and familiar. 75% of high school students have admitted to cheating (Educational Testing Service (ETS), 1999). On another note, 70% of men and 50-60% of women conceded to cheating on their spouse (FOX News Network, 2016). An exceeding sector of the world’s population agrees that cheating is not always wrong, and can be beneficial. Cheating may result in getting a good grade or getting ahead, however, ultimately, nothing was learned, and comparable to lying, in the end, it is not worth accomplishing. Umpteen students are unaware of what classifies as cheating, and even if they are aware, they are still tempted to cheat. Different types of cheatingShow MoreRelatedCheating is a Crime1023 Words  | 4 Pageshopes of finding a way to cheat off of the note card. In today’s educational system it has become very common for students to cheat their way through school. High Schools have an honor code and other rules in place in order to prevent students from cheating, although it is still very common to cheat. Whenever a student is caught in the unethical crime of cheating, he or she will state that the only way to survive in toda y’s competitive society is to â€Å"cut corners†. The act of cheating is rarely penalizedRead MorePersuasive Essay About Cheating In School1567 Words  | 7 PagesAn enormous problem in schools throughout all of America is cheating. Individuals have been trying to solve these issues since they first arose long ago. Cheating in school can cause serious consequences, whether the teacher catches the cheater or not. Throughout my 12 years of school, I have seen my fair share of cheating. Seeing cheating during school is infuriating, and this issue must dissipate. The solution to this problem may be far from our reach, but people have created a few alternativesRead MoreShould Cheating Be The Number One Stress Causing Issue?859 Words  | 4 PagesCheating has grown through the years and it occurs in almost every classroom. Cheating is defined as acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain and advantage. Nobody can honestly say they have never cheated. There will no t be one school in America, or anywhere, where no cheating has occurred. According to New York Magazine, 60% of high school students have admitted to serious test cheating. It does not matter what your GPA is, anybody will cheat to secure a high grade that teachers desire fromRead MoreAcademic Plagiarism And Academic Dishonesty932 Words  | 4 Pagesstudy can cause those who would not usually cheat to stoop low and look at someone else s work. Some students rely on cheating to make their way through high school or college. Academic dishonesty is a way lazy students take advantage of hard working students. Whether the academic dishonesty is caused because of the lack of preparation, a poor work ethic, or by having a poor home life; it usually leads to violating academic dishonesty school policies and leading to short term and long term effects.Read MoreThe Importance Of Cheating In Society1179 Words  | 5 PagesCheating is a common activity in today’s society. Whether i t’s on a test at school, taking part in tax fraud, or even just playing a board game with your family, cheating can occur. Some people have never thought of cheating as that big of deal. They see it as a way to get ahead without doing that much work, but others view cheating as going against their moral values and don’t want to compromise them. Nowadays, cheating on a test or letting someone copy down your answers on a homework assignmentRead MoreCheating Is Not Just For School Essay918 Words  | 4 Pagesinclude school, but life in general. People cheat because they wish to either get ahead or to keep up with those around them. All this dishonesty began back in the educational programs. More specifically back when they would cheat in class, because of this they lost their sense of integrity and honesty. â€Å"Seventy-four percent of high-school students questioned in McCabe s surveys report occasionally cheating in their schools, and 30 percent admit to repetitive and serious cheating on tests and examsRead MoreAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure?1200 Words  | 5 PagesAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure? Academic cheating has always been frowned upon by society and reasoned as the easy way out. From a teachers point of view, cheating may be unethical. On the other hand, from a student’s viewpoint, cheating may be the necessary survival skill in school. Society has always been solely focused on how terrible cheating is but it has never considered the pressures that essentially cause students to cheat. Many pressures contribute to academic dishonesty such asRead MoreCheating on College Examinations980 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Name Professor Course Date Cheating on College Exams Introduction Any form of cheating is a form of dishonesty. It is an act of accomplishing something in an unethical behavior. Cheating is used in any kinds of exams, especially college exams. Does it really happen? Sure it does. We argue that many college students cheat during examinations because of several reasons. They can be nervous that is why they cheat, it can also be a reason of time management wherein some college students also workRead MoreShould Cheating Be More Informed About Cheating? Essay1231 Words  | 5 Pagesthroughout their life. Cheating has occurred for decades in a variety of ways, for when they attended school, at a workplace, or most importantly in relationships. Cheating has converted to a norm in our society with technology making it easier to cheat. People should be more informed about cheating, for it can guide in a way to decrease infidelity. People should know how society norms have changed, who has a higher chance to cheat, why people cheat, and how to prevent che ating. In the first twentyRead MoreCheating Is A Word?1496 Words  | 6 PagesCheating is a word that no one wants to have attached to their name, because it comes attached with a load of negative stigma. What exactly is the definition of cheating? According to Oxford Dictionaries, the definition of the word â€Å"cheat†is as follows: â€Å"Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.†As one can adhere through this definition, when someone cheats they are acting in a dishonest way that deprives others of the truth. There are many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Type of Crime That Use It Systems as Weapons - 1199 Words
Computer crimes are criminal activities, which involve the use of information technology to gain an illegal or an unauthorized access to a computer system with intent of damaging, deleting or altering computer data. Computer crimes also include the activities such as electronic frauds, misuse of devices, identity theft and data as well as system interference. Computer crimes involve activities of software theft, whereas the privacy of the users is hampered. These criminal activities involve the breach of human and information privacy, as also the theft and illegal alteration of system critical information. The different types of computer crimes have caused the introduction and use of newer and more effective security measures. Out of†¦show more content†¦If you check your credit report regularly, you may be able to limit the damage caused by identity theft. â€Å"Most people find out that they are victim of identity theft, after damage has been done to them. Filing a police reports, checking your credit reports, notifying creditors, and disputing any unauthorized transactions are some of the steps you must take immediately to restore your good name†(FTC, 2012). If you believe you are a victim of mail fraud, contact the postal inspection services immediately. If someone has used your social security number, contact the Social Security Administration to file your case. Also contact the three credit reporting agencies and have them place a freeze on your account. The Federal Trade Commission states, â€Å"It is best to close all your accounts in writing, so that you have proof of contacting the company, in case something goes wrong†(FTC, 2012). There are a few easy ways to help prevent identity theft. One identity theft victim says, â€Å"When you move and fill out the change of address card, be sure to watch for a letter from the Post Office at your new address confirming that you have changed your address. If you do not get the letter within a couple weeks, be sure to check with the Post Office to make sure they indeed paid attention to your change of address†(Privacy Rights, 2002). Lastly, ElisabethShow MoreRelatedThe Use of Police Technology1043 Words  | 5 Pagesand advance ways of committing their crimes. Law enforcement has tried to keep up and even get one step in front of the criminals by finding more advanced technology. This paper will show just some of the new technology that law enforcement has started using in helping capture criminals. It will also show some of the technology that has come out to track the criminals that have been caught in the past. As the criminals come out with new ways to comm it crimes law enforcement must keep up with theirRead MoreCriminology : Crime And Crime1410 Words  | 6 Pagesthe causes and prevention of crime and the rehabilitation and punishment of offenders†(Schmalleger, 2006, p. 20). People look at criminology in a big concept of criminal prevention but criminology in itself carries a wide variety of functions in treating crime and providing punishment to those who commit crimes. Crime increases when the population increases, which means the more populated and situated the place is the more crime effective the place maybe. Although crime is relevant towards the peopleRead MoreCriminology : Criminal Justice System1117 Words  | 5 PagesJustice System in the U.S. Criminology is defined by the book Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, which was written by author Dr. Frank Schmalleger, Ph.D., as â€Å"the scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime and the rehabilitation and punishment of offenders†(Schmalleger, 2006, p. 20). People look at criminology in a big concept of criminal prevention but criminology in itself carries a wide variety of functions in treating crime and providing punishment to those who commit crimes. CrimeRead MoreEssay about Technology in Law Enforcement1102 Words  | 5 Pagesless-lethal weapon is designed to disable, capture, or immobilize a suspect without killing them. However, occasionally deaths do happen as a result of less-lethal weapons which include kinetic energy, electrical, acoustic, and chemical weapons. Furthermore, violence, disease, and infected evidence are dangers that law enforcement officers face today. Police databases and offense reports have been improved by technology and have enhanced law enforcement organizations’ ability to function. One type of policeRead MoreGun Weapons Of The United States1599 Words  | 7 Pagescan tell investigators, what caliber round was fired what type of weapon fired the round, and in some cases the distance at which the round was fired. Without such advancement, more murderers would be walking free. When arriving to a crime scene where weapons are present, safety is always top priority. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded. When deciding to unload a weapon you always want to do so with the utmost care, to preserve all types of evidence. This evidence includes fingerprints, blood,Read MorePolice Operations Paper1143 Words  | 5 Pagesfunctions patrolling and investigating crimes. Patrol officers patrolled the areas mainly on foot requiring direct contact with the community they served. The detectives investigated illegal gambling operations and corruption. Looking into modern policing dangers in the job is a primary concern and how to improve measures for the safety of the officers. The taser is a less than lethal weapon used to stop individuals without fatally wounding them. The use of modern technology in today’s policingRead MoreOld Day Crime And Crime1323 Words  | 6 PagesOld Day Crime Just think about a world have little to no crime. That would be quite the story. Ever since birth people hear about crime. People will always hear about the school shooting, or the robbery at the bank. Crime saw a decrease in the 90’s, but since then the non physical and physical crime have stayed the same. Crime was higher in previous years, but all of a sudden the 90’s hit, and the crime has gone down. â€Å"Robbery, burglary and larceny each fell every year between 1991 and 2000.†saidRead MoreOld Day Crime And Crime1370 Words  | 6 PagesOld Day Crime Just think about a world that has little to no crime. That would be quite the story. Ever since birth people always hear about crime. People will always hear about the school shooting, or the robbery at the bank. Crime has saw a decrease during the 90’s, but since then the non physical and physical crime has stayed the same. Crime was a lot higher in previous years, but then all of a sudden the 90’s hit, and the crime went down. â€Å"Robbery, burglary and larceny each fell every year betweenRead MoreWildlife Forensics and Investigation825 Words  | 3 Pagesjustice system today. This is because the criminal justice system has only recently discovered that wildlife crime is increasing and that the needs to successfully investigate a wildlife crime are quite different than those of a homicide. To understand the importance of wildlife forensics, what constitutes as â€Å"wildlife crime†must be distinguished. Also, knowing what makes wildlife crime so desirable is a good start at learning what preventative measures to take. What is considered wildlife crime, whyRead MoreProtection of the Right to Bear Arms1150 Words  | 5 Pagesthe United States Constitution, which proclaims The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Over the years various laws and regulatio ns have violated this right. The reasons for these laws are to ban the guns that cause crime and injuries off the streets even though most of these laws have only prevented the common citizen from acquiring a firearm. Handguns should be permitted to those who are licensed because they are an efficient method of self defense and because it
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Public-Sector Organization of Canada-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Find a public-sector organization of Canada and relate it with any one of the following from Kumars framework sales-driven, market-driven, customer-driven or market-driving. Explain why. 2.What are the differences between market-driven and market-driving? Answers: 1.In this era of high competition, managers of public sector organizations require to have a clear understanding of consumer needs and desire in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. Besides that, in order to cope up with the competition in the international market, the private sector companies must focus on their innovation skills to create unique products that an effectively attract consumers and thus create a trend. Considering the fact that market driving approach involves innovations for long term goals and success of the company, it can be considered to be more effective for gaining brand equity in todays highly competitive market than the other mentioned orientations. In todays fast changing market, companies need to look behind factors like consumer satisfaction and instead concentrate on shaping new desires of the consumers (Kumar, 2004). Several public sector organizations like Sony are ignoring the traditional trends and are concentrating on developing new tre nds which in turn is improving their consumer value proposition and enhancing the brand equity of the organizations. The primary goal of the Sony Company is not only to satisfy its consumers but also to motivate them. The chief objective of the company is to bring about brand new innovation in the world of environment that will make the brand unique from its competitors (Sony, 2018). The company has immense enthusiasm for innovation, services and products along with persistent quest for advancement. Instead of following the trends, Sony concentrates on creating new and innovative entertainment products that create new desires in the consumers. Some of the most unique products of Sony that have been ruling the global market and have successfully shaped the desires of Canadian consumers are the transistor radio, Walk-man, 3.5-inch diskette, and audio compact disk. The controlling doctrine of Sony is New items generates new markets. According to Sony, their products are the representative of the dream of the company to make the market more energized and innovation loving. 2.It is a crucial step for the management of an organization to decide whether to choose the market driven strategy or the market driving strategy for long term success of the organization. While market driving organization focuses on enhancing the consumer loyalty by constantly surprising by with unique values, brand new services and products, market driven organizations are guided by the contemporary market trends and requirements instead on focusing on the Companys capacity, productivity or current products. While market driving companies take risks and create trends, market driven companies follow the trend created by the former (Chen, Li Evans, 2012). For instance, Apple Co. follows market driving strategy which involves taking risks to constantly amaze the consumers with innovative and unique products and services. On the other hand, Microsoft can be considered as a market driven Organization as the company is failing to take risks and as a result is reacting after a major mar ket shift have already occurred. As a result, iTune has gained a lot more popularity than Zune and consumers are more inclined to go for an iPhone rather than buying a windows mobile. Thus it can be said that the market driving approach is much more cost effective than the market driving approach. The approach taken by the two above mentioned strategy are completely different. The strategy of market driven organization includes conduction of excessive research in order to understand the existing consumers requirements. The organizations following market driven approach, conduct multiple validation cycles with vast requirements documented and detailed written benefits and specifications of features. After the conduction of detailed research, another laborious process is followed by the companies which involves multiple cycle of developing and test strategy in order to develop differentiated services or products (Elg et al., 2012). While this approach can still be considered effective for stack and well defined market segments, for other market segments the market driven approach is totally obsolete. In market driving approach, the companies focus on long term success unhampered by the current market trends, industry norms and traditional thinking for development of product. The companies following market driving strategies focus on innovations and make discontinuous leaps in innovation in terms of consumer value. The mission of these organizations is to build unique value networks that will enable them to get engaged in a larger business ecosystem with the help of business model innovation and technologies. Reference list Chen, Y. C., Li, P. C., Evans, K. R. (2012). Effects of interaction and entrepreneurial orientation on organizational performance: Insights into market driven and market driving.Industrial Marketing Management,41(6), 1019-1034, retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0019850112000363 Elg, U., Deligonul, S. Z., Ghauri, P. N., Danis, W., Tarnovskaya, V. (2012). Market-driving strategy implementation through global supplier relationships.Industrial Marketing Management,41(6), 919-928, Retrieved from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/39938172/Market-driving_strategy_implementation_t20151112-21623-1lymtmw.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3AExpires=1519215799Signature=Xrev6DBcTdRKyJ%2Fbzbd8LN%2FFJo0%3Dresponse-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DMarket-driving_strategy_implementation_t.pdf Kumar, N. (2004).Marketing as Strategy: Understanding the CEO's Agenda for driving Growth and Innovation. Harvard Business Review Press, retrieved from: https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=JprBAgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PR1dq=Kumar,+N.+(2004).+Marketing+as+strategy.+Boston,+MA:+Harvard+Business+School+Press.ots=nBRYTnM_scsig=ebC-HvmgJ0pFUKkUYzGMPc2PaQc#v=onepageqf=false Sony. (2018). About Sony . Retrieved from Sony, retrieved from: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/
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